Welcome to Nigel's Homepage

Hi friends!!! Welcome to my homepage everyone... not bad for a first attempt eh?

The website is still kinda in a mess but it'll be up and running soon I hope =)

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Address at PennState:   Address in Singapore:         Phone Number at PennState:
303 Watts Hall          295 Bedok South Ave 3              (814)862-7401
University Park         #16-07 Singapore 469296                Fax Number:
PA 16802 USA            Send anything for me here if bulky    (707)220-4824

Friends Page------- Email me at nfactor@psu.edu

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You are lifeform number since January 22, 1999.

Smile... and the world will smile with you...
take it easy ppl... hang in there =)
Last Updated on 24/2/2000