
February 2002

Sega in software actually works

Freeshoe ---It's a shame, really, when someone promises you the world, gives it to you, and then snatches it away like a squirrel stealing Tootsie-Rolls out of you Halloween stash. That is how I feel about Sega. Don't get me wrong, however, I'm not here to bash them, I merely feel that the exposing of a few faults and their impacts would be benificial. I was raised on the MegaDrive/Genesis. Back in those days, the masses had Mario, the veterans had the little frog from Frogger, and I had Sonic. I almost purchased a 32x, but stopped when I saw Sega's support for the device wane. The same happened with the SegaCD. When I purchased my Saturn, I expected some excellent, or at least interesting add-ons and software for the system. Then, a short time later, I felt a tad bit out in the cold, as Sega's support for that system eroded. I purchased a DreamCast recently, a steal at $50.00, and as I looked up a little history, (I already knew Sega had discontinued software releases outside of the 2k2 and 2k3 titles), I found that Sega had commited the exact same act: get the jump on current technology with an incredible machine, flaunt it for a few years, and then drop it by the wayside as the new shipments from rivals arrive. It all formed a pattern. I don't even think that the D.C. was expected to last by Sega itself. Advertisments stopped after only a year or so, SegaNet had it's whole Hullabaloo, the Braodband modem was delayed, and it never really lived up to it's potential. None of the Sega consoles have. If they would only stick by their hardware... But it doesn't really matter now. In a move that I wholeheartedly applaud, Sega is moving into the software only area. The past has shown that no matter how many consoles are around, the big battle is always between two. Currently, there are three bidders in Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft. If Sega had decided to follow up on the DreamCast with another console, there would be four, letting only people with miraculous incomes to play the best gamnes around. I am all for Sega in software only, because I believe that they can craft incredible games, but have always been just one step away from hardware perfection. But the bottom line for me is now I can play good Sega titles without having to shell out money for one of their systems.

- Editor - I'm with you buddy, Sega has had some serious issues with hardware since the megadrive. But I don't think it's entirely their fault. You see, when the megadrive was released, there were no big business' that saw money in consoles. The 8-bit market had been drawn out, and home computers were getting more and more powerful. Industry pundits saw no need for a 16-bit console system. But Sega delivered one. And then companies like Sony and Microsoft began to realise that there was money to made in this area. And they planned for their domination.

If anything, the woes sega experienced with hardware later on were a result of their own early success. It's like if a small kid walks around with a $50 note, a bully will beat him up for it. So there was nothing that could have really been done to prevent it, but its good that Sega came to their senses and prevented an atari like death. Sega will do well with software.

Keep the DC

Dreamcast supporter --- You cant just get rid of old systems. Just because the new ones are out doesnt mean there better. The worst system that I and alot of people think is the xbox. The loading is horrible. And the controllers are huge. Sega has a far better reputation than microsoft in games. Please listen there are people who want a dreamcast in there houses. Dont let sony take the money just BEAT THE COMPETITION YOU OF ALL GAME COMPANYS CAN BEAT IT!!!!

- Editor - The dreamcast is a great system, and my favourite, but due to economic factors, Sega has to dump it, and program on other platforms. I'm sure that if sega can make some serious cash, they will have another attempt, but until then who knows.


Here is your chance to have your say about the continuing console wars, about sega's future plans for the decimation of sony, or about this site. But don't ask when or if a specific title is coming out, because in all honesty, nobody but the game publishers actually know. Send your emails to