Grand Theft Auto 3, reviewed by J.B.

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There are games which display content that happens to be realistic to such an extent that the themes in the game, for good or bad, can inspire youngsters to undertake a pattern of behaviour consistent with the themes expressed in the video game. Then there is Grand Theft Auto. After playing this for a couple of hours, I felt a compulsive urge to steal automobiles, make lifelong links with mysterious italian families, and plan my way to the top. The plot of GTA, while not overly detailed, is specific enough under certain circumstances to warrant suspicion that perhaps the designers had a hands on involvment with such an operation. But in the interests of self preservation, I believe that it would be prudent, if I could, to stop accusing people of having links with organised crime. Anyway, GTA 3, is obviously the third rendition of the series, and in this version, the developers don't pull any punches.

In the enormous 3D city, every criminal act you can think of is available for the player to enact. Players are free to steal cars, beat up the local population for their cash, make time with prostitutes, or they can explore the city to their heart's content. There are mini games that can be activated by jumping into a cop car, a cab, or even a fire truck. This is one game that offers a hell of a lot of interactivity, with hell being the operative word here. Morals, they don't mean anything in this game. You're expected to rob, steal, kill and basically engage in anything that can help you to raise cash with out actually working. Surprisingly (or perhaps not so), this politically incorrect format works very well.

Gameplay is everything to GTA 3, as the graphics, while functional, are not the most appealing ever seen in a video game. However, an impressive aspect of GTA 3 is the massive nature of the City. The fact that they were able to pull it off at all seems lucky, such is the scale of the game. Additionally, the complexity of the game is enough to bring tears to the eyes of the avid gamer. You can literally travel anywhere outdoors in this game, and the outdoors are huge, and not in a repetitive or monotonous "tiled" way. You are free to run on top of buildings, down alleys, up fire escapes and even subway tracks. GTA 3 can be described in two words, Bloody impressive.

I give it the thumbs up and 92%.