Starship Soccer - Universal Constants

The game world provides access to many of the universal constants used to simulate the physics of starship soccer.
This enables teams to make decisions based on real values rather than fudge factors, and means that constants can be altered to liven things up a bit!

Arena constants

ssc_minX, ssc_minY, ssc_maxX, ssc_maxY

The bounds of the arena.
MinX, MinY is the bottom left-hand corner.

ssc_centreX, ssc_centreY

The centre of the arena.

ssc_width, ssc_height

The size of the arena.
Default: 280m by 200m
Configurable range: 100m by 100m  to 1000m by 1000m

ssc_friction, ssc_frictionPerFrame, ssc_frictionPerSecond

The friction constant of the arena.
Default: 0.25
Configurable range: 0 to 1.0

Game constants

ssc_framesPerSecond, ssc_secondsPerFrame

How many frames there are in a second. Each team gets processed once per frame
Default: 50 frames per second, 0.02 seconds per frame


How many ships on each side (when the game starts)
Default: 3 ships
Configurable range: 1 - 10 ships


How long before Extra-Time, in seconds
Default: 120 seconds
Configurable range: 0 - 3600 seconds


How long extra time lasts, in seconds
Default: 60 seconds
Configurable range: 0 - 3600 seconds


What fraction of your rating you bet in a match
Default: 0.05


The rating given to virgin teams
Default: 100

Starship constants

ssc_starshipTurnRadiansPerSecond, ssc_starshipTurnRadiansPerFrame

How fast the starships can turn, in radians/second
Default: 3*PI/2 radians/second
Configurable range: PI/8 to 4*PI

ssc_starshipThrustAcceleration, ssc_starshipThrustAccelerationPerFrame

How fast the ship accelerates in one frame when thrusting (m/s/s) or (m/s/frame)
Default: 25 m/s/s
Configurable range: 5 to 100 m/s/s


The radius of the ship, in metres
Default: 3m


The standard mass of a starship, in kg
Default: 200 kg
Configurable range: 10 to 10000 kg

Gun Constants


How long before the gun can reload after firing.
This defines the maximum firing rate.
Default: 0.33s
Configurable range: 0.10 to 60 s

ssc_maxGunTemp, ssc_minGunTemp

The gun's operating temperature range, in degrees.
The gun will not fire when it's temp is outside this range.
Default: 20 through 1200 degrees
Configurable range: 0 through 10,000 degrees


Degrees/second that the gun loses temperature.
Default: 500 degrees/second
Configurable range: 1 through 10,000 degrees/second


Increase in gun temperature caused by firing
Default: 600 degrees
Configurable range: 0 through 10,000 degrees/second

Ball Constants


The radius of the ball in metres (when not dead).
Default: 3m
Configurable range: 0.5 to 30m


The radius of the dead ball in metres
Default: 1.5m
Configurable range: 0.5 to 30m


How far away (in metres) from both goals the ball needs to be before it will return to normal play.
Default: 86m (calculated).


How far away from both goals the ball needs to be before it will return to normal play, expressed as a fraction of the diagonal size of the arena.
    constant( ssc_deadBallZoneRadius ) =  n * sqrt( width * width + height * height ) * constant( ssc_deadZoneFraction )

Default: 0.25
Configurable range: 0 to 0.45


The standard mass of the ball, in kg.
Default: 100 kg
Configurable range: 1 to 100000 kg

Goal Constants


The radius of the goal in metres.
Default: 10m
Configurable range: 1 to 40m


The standard mass of the goad, in kg
Default: 800 kg
Configurable range: 1 to 100000 kg

Bullet Constants


When a bullet explodes, anything inside this radius will be affected.
Default: 5
Configurable range: 0 to 10m


How long before a bullet dissipates, in seconds
Default: 1.5s
Configurable range: 0.1 to 10s


How many Joules of Kinetic Energy is delivered to each target caught in the bullet's explosion.
Default: 100,000J
Configurable range: 0 to 1,000,000J


How fast the bullet is launched from the gun
Default: 80 m/s
Configurable range: 10 to 500 m/s


The mass of the bullet, in kg
Default: 20 kg
Configurable range: 1 to 1000 kg