Lyapko George's FREEWARE DOS utilities

ProgramVerSizePurpose Sources
(28 Oct 1999)
1.04e38kB DOS executables compressor-
(28 Oct 1999)
B30kB English texts compression predictor (helps for almost all compessors) similar to that one used in ARHANGEL
Sorry, sources are not commented at all
(29 Mar 1999)
2.411kB Recursively searches for files (within archives and SFX-files too)-
(10 Feb 1999)
2.02c24kB Collects number of small files into one (like TAR, but file headers are smallest possible). It's good for further compression (just try QFC /r /s+LGHA on large number of small files)+
(12 Jul 1998)
1.08kB Strips paths and comments from ZIP archives-
(03 Feb 1998)
1.09kB Applies patches to already existing file+
(6 Sep 1995)
-3kB Utility to convert Unix-style texts to DOS-style+
(5 Mar 1995)
1.012kB Small DOS text editor (2 windows)?
(12 May 1994)
1.08kB Cuts part of file and produces output in binary, pascal,c++ or asm constants format (octal,hex,decimal)+
(16 Oct 1993)
1.34kB Fixes invalid LZH or ICE archives(like PKZIPFIX for ZIP)?

? - Sources are available on request
Latest changes:
LGLZ v1.04e-fixed bug (compression of r/o executables leads to crash)
LGAFIND v2.4-14 new archive formats were added
-CD-ROM not ready bug fixed
-now you could cancel or stop search by key pressing
-after/before specified date switch added
-some other bugs fixed (see HISTORY.TXT)
LGLZ v1.04d-added -q switch
-increased speed of compression
-made packer version for 8086 processor
LGLZ v1.04c-added -sn switch
QFC v2.02c-fixed bug from previous version (work was aborted under WIN32 with "Aborted by user" message after first file processed)
QFC v2.02b-fixed bug in recursion under plain DOS or OS/2
QFC v2.02a-fixed bug in OpenFile function under OS/2 Warp
QFC v2.02-added Win32 LFN support

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