Adam's Advanced HTML Guide- Meta Tags

Meta tags are "invisible" tags that contain meta information about your site, information that's useful to search engines and robots. In this section, I'll show you how to use meta tags to help categorize your site for search engines, so it will be more well indexed (more visible on search engines).

leaf.gif (1184 bytes) How it works

I'll first show the syntax for the meta tag, then explain it in detail:

<meta name="keywords" content="HTML, HTML tutorial, webmaster">
<meta name="description" content="Click here for Adam's advanced HTML guide">

I've used the meta tags for this site to show how it's used. As you can see, this tag is added to the header section of your page, and comes in a pair. The first tag specifies the keywords that will be used to associate your web site with. Since my site is about HTML, I use a variety of HTML related words. You can have as many keywords as you like; just separate each one with a comma. The second tag specifies the description that will show up on the search engine if your site is found and shown to the surfer- choose a good description that successfully describes your site and the services you offer in a sentence or so.

leaf.gif (1184 bytes) The myth behind meta tags

Many people think that meta tags are the secret to getting a good listing on search engines and lots of hits- the truth is a little different. Meta tags only ensure that your site is properly indexed by search engines, not well listed. There's a big difference. Just so you know...


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