What do you do with all those free CR-ROMS you get promoting an on-line service? How 'bout making a CD BALL!

You need 12 cds. I made a template out of cardboard the size of a cd, which has 5 evenly spaced notches around its circumference. I used it to mark 5 dots on the edge of each cd.
Now tape 2 cds together with dots touching (tape on the unprinted side). Do this with 4 more cds so you have a "flower" of one cd with 5 petals.
Now tape the adjacent "petals" together, cupping the flower towards the printed side (the tape is on the unprinted outside).
Now glue all the joints on the inside with your trusty glue gun, and when the glue is set, remove the tape. Now do this whole thing again, but leave off one petal.
You should have have two "bowls", one of which is incomplete, plus a loose cd. Fit the two halves together (matching up the dots) and tape. Glue all the joints inside; it gets tricky working through the cd size hole, but it CAN be done. The last cd can be put in by taping it in place, and shooting a little hot glue around the tape into the joint. After the glue is cool, remove the tape, and TADA! a cd ball.
I thought about putting a Christmas light in each cd hole, the reflections and cd rainbows would look pretty (maybe?).


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