Hello and Welcome to my little Web site!

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*Scott and Boon*


Hi my name is Boon (not really its a nickname) and that's Scott on the left of the pic. I live in Columbus and he in Cincinnati. We both love life and think it was meant to be lived! τΏτ

There will be allot more on this Web site, when I have some time to work on it!!

Have a Great Day!!

Scott's stats:

5' 10" 180lbs brown hair blue eyes

Never married, no children, manufacturers representative.


Outdoors stuff, Harleys, quads, camping, hiking, and fishing.

Not a big fan of sports.

Music from the 60's, 70's, and 80's.

Served in Army and VERY PATRIOTIC.

Scott's Pic's

Boon's stats:

6' 195lbs Brown hair and Blue/Gray eyes!

Single, no children, computer tech and Freelance Web Designer


Just about anything outside, camping, hiking, fishing, rollerblading, Skiing both snow and water, and Just about anything to do with water (Lake or Ocean).

I also like the 60's, 70's, 80's and some 90s music.

As for Sports well lets just say I like them but I could live without them. τΏτ
Well except for OSU. You have to love the Buckeyes! 

Other things I like to do would be, movies, the web, making web pages and chatting, and a nice fire and on a cold night! ~Ώτ

I also Served in the Army for 6yrs and am VERY PATRIOTIC.

Boon's Pics

Scott Mailemailed.gif (15360 bytes)

Boon Mailemailed.gif (15360 bytes)


More to come!

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This page was last updated on 10/05/00.