Bitwise Operation

Part 1: And, or, xor, not.


Hi! Welcome to the fourth chapter of this series. Now, I'll try to cover some bitwise operation in assembly. We know that bitwise operations are essential to computer programs. Thus, we'd like to know how we can do these in assembly.

The available instructions are and, or, xor, and not. I assume that you understand how these logical operators behave. I will just explain how the assembly counterpart corresponds to them.

As the arithmetic instructions we discussed earlier, bitwise instructions also modifies the processor flags. What flags are affected? Many. I won't discuss all of them here. Just the necessary ones.


And, Or, Xor

We know that and, or, and xor take two operands. The usage is just like the add and sub, you can have both operands as registers, one of them as variables, etc. The syntax is as follows:

   and   x, y   ; --> means: x = x and y;
   or    x, y   ; --> means: x = x or y;
   xor   x, y   ; --> means: x = x xor y;

Similar, right? These operators in Pascal correspond to the x := x op y;, not the ones used in the ifs or whiles. For C/C++ users, and corresponds to the single & sign, or corresponds to the single | sign, and xor corresponds to the single ^ sign. If you have already know on how to use these operators in either Pascal or C, you can just skip to the next section. For not-illuminated-yet readers, the difference between this logical operators is that all the bits in the operands are taken into account. So, both x and y does not mean only either true or false.

Confused? See the following example. Suppose we have register AH = 76 and AL = 45. Before we can clearly examine the result of bitwise operations, we see the value of AH and AL in binary. AH = 01001100 and AL = 00101101. Note that you don't need to write instructions to do this conversion. This conversion is not needed, only to help you to understand bitwise operations.

To refresh our minds, "and" operator will return 1 if both operands are 1, otherwise it will return 0. The "or" operator will return 0 if both operands are 0, otherwise it will return 1. The "xor" operator will return 0 if both operands have the same value, otherwise it will return 1. Now, we'll see how the assembly counterpart behaves:

   Instruction: and  ah, al ; --> means: ah = ah and al

                                  AH = 01001100
                                  AL = 00101101
                                  -------------  and
                              result = 00001100 (=  12) is stored in AH

   Instruction: or   ah, al ; --> means: ah = ah or  al

                                  AH = 01001100
                                  AL = 00101101
                                  -------------  or
                              result = 01101101 (= 109) is stored in AH

   Instruction: xor  ah, al ; --> means: ah = ah xor al

                                  AH = 01001100
                                  AL = 00101101
                                  -------------  xor
                              result = 01100001 (=  61) is stored in AH

See? Each individual bits are affected. Of course you can do these operations on 16-bit registers too.



The not operation takes a single operand. The syntax is:

   not   x   ;  --> means: x = not x

The all bits in x are flipped. In Pascal, it is similar to x := not x; while in C/C++, it is similar to x = ~x; (NOT x = !x;). Example:

   Instruction: not  ah ; --> means: ah = not ah

                                  AH = 01001100
                                  -------------  not
                              result = 10110011 (= 179) is stored in AH

Pretty straight forward...


Bit Masking and Flipping

These logical operations can be handy in bit masking or flipping. You will do this a lot in doing assembly program. It is mainly because the input and output from/to hardware devices are usually decoded in bits instead of normal integers. Sometimes, one byte can contain several information decoded in bits. When you'd like a particular information out from this packed byte, you'll need to extract the needed bits out using bit masking.

For example: You get a data from a device and you store it in AL. Suppose AL = 00101100. However you only need the lower four bits (i.e. 1100). How can we get rid of the unnecessary ones? Well, first of all, what operations can be used to do this? Hmm.... and! That's correct. Then, you would like to create a mask based on the and behavior. As we already know that if we and anything by 0, the result would be 0, right? So, we'll use this to filter out the unnecessary bits. Since we need only the lower four bits, the mask would be: 00001111. Let's say the mask is stored in AH. Look at the following snippet:

  mov  al, 00101100b
  mov  ah, 00001111b
  and  al, ah        ; --> now al = 00001100b

Aha! So, doing this masking, you can extract bits out. How can we put the bits back, then?

Now, suppose you have AL = 00101100, the current hardware status. Now, you'd like to store the lower 4 bits of your data in CL = 00000011 into the lower 4 bits of AL. In other words, we'd like to make AL = 00100011. How can we do this? We can do it in two steps: First of all, we mask out the lower 4 bits of AL, then we do an or. Doing a mask-out involves using a negative mask. What does it mean? It means that all the mask of interesting bits should be set to 0 (instead of 1 as in the positive mask), and the other should be set to 1. Since we're interested in the lower four bits of AL, the negative mask would be 11110000b (as stored in AH in the snippet below). Masking out is a way to "reset" bits positions. This is how:

  mov  al, 00101100b
  mov  cl, 00000011b
  mov  ah, 11110000b
  and  al, ah        ; --> now al = 00100000b
  or   al, cl        ; --> now al = 00100011b

That's the steps on setting the bits back. Additionally, you may want to filter out CL too, to make sure that only the lower 4 bits is stored into AL. This may be useful if CL contains non zero bits in the upper 4 bits, for example: CL = 10010011b. So, we'll modify the program above by masking CL too as the snipped below shows. If you're curious, modify the snippet above from mov cl, 00000011b to mov cl, 10010011b and run it. Then try to compare the result with the snippet below:

  mov  al, 00101100b
  mov  cl, 10010011b

  mov  ah, 11110000b
  and  al, ah        ; --> now al = 00100000b

  mov  ah, 00001111b
  and  cl, ah        ; --> now cl = 00000011b

  or   al, cl        ; --> now al = 00100011b

Hmm.. this may be confusing at the beginning. But, you will get used to it.

There are times we only want to flip the bits around. We can use xor with it. You can observe that anything xorred with 1 will be flipped. (If you're curious, try doing 1010 xor 1111). Suppose, we'd like to flip the middle four bits of AL:

  mov  al, 00101100b
  mov  ah, 00111100b
  xor  al, ah         ; --> now al = 00010000b

Then, you'll ask: How can we extract or set data -- say -- in the middle 4 bits? Good question. You'll need bit shifting, which will be discussed in the next chapter.



OK, I think that's all for now. See you next time.


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Roby Joehanes © 2001