Welcome to my Research Labs and NetRexx page!


Who am I? About myself..


My name is Max Marsiglietti, I live in Italy, and my biggest interests are the Rexx language (and all its derivatives, such as the great NetRexx), object oriented languages (such as C++) and OS/2 Warp, of which I am an avid user, supporter and somewhat of a Guru.

Now, what will I find out on this page?

First and foremost, you will find information and code about RXFile, my freeware NetRexx project. As I said, it is written in (and for) NetRexx, which in turn is a compiler that generates Java code. But NetRexx is way more than Yet-Another-Compiler, it's really a must-have if you're involved in Java development, expecially for non-GUI development. Check it out by yourself, and how it boosts by 30-40% your Java development productivity!

You've missed the 'Building great Java code with NetRexx' logo!!

-- Tell me more about RXFile (1.19, updated June, the 16th 1998).

-- Tell me more about MaxBase (1.17, updated June, the 6th 1998).

-- Looking for a Base64 encoder/decoder for NetRexx? Click here!



-- Links to other sites on the Web

- All you need to know about Java, directly from the lion's mouth.

- Some good examples and gotchas for the Java language. Check it out!

- OS/2 Warp Home.

- NetRexx home page.

- EurOS/2 NetRexx page.

- Peter Heuchert's nrxdoc documentation generator for NetRexx.

Member of the NetRexx Ring

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If you are looking for more information drop me a note! I will answer as soon as possible. Thanks!

© 1996, 1997 maxmars@pianeta.it


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Ok, I'm no Raffaello, but I hope you liked my page! Come back to see more!

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