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KU2S's Amateur Radio Web Page

I'm a licensed Extra Class Amateur Radio operator. My callsign is KU2S. If you know a ham, or want to look up a callsign, the QRZ callsign lookup page gives you the standard information along with beam headings. The Buckmaster callsign lookup provides standard info plus grid square info and map! Both sites offer multiple search formats. Here's an example of the QRZ Callsign search engine. Just enter a callsign and then click on the button.
QRZ's Quick callsign lookup:

The links below will open up a callsign search window and a repeater search window. The callsign search window allows you to search for the holder of a callsign you enter, or will allow you to search for the callsign of a person based on last name and location. Depending on web traffic, the search may take a little time. The repeater search window will locate repeaters at a given location and/or frequency. Be patient with these searches, depending on server load and search parameters, it may take quite some time for a search to complete.

Callsign Lookup
Repeater Finder

The Shack

Click on the picture to see it full-sized
Main Operating Location HF/VHFSecondary Location VHF/Packet/UHF
Icom IC-720A HF Transceiver
Kenwood TR-7950 2-meter FM
Robyn SB-520D AM/SSB CB
MFJ-941D Versa Tuner II
Bencher paddles with MFJ-407B Electronic keyer
Kenwood TR-2200A VHF crystal controlled
PacComm Tiny-2 TNC
  • Realistic HTX-202 2-meter
  • Realistic HTX-404 70cm
  • Realistic HTX-400 70cm
  • Midland 75-810 CB
Radio Shack Simplex Repeater

The Antennas

"Double Trombone" 2-meter vertical
11 element 2-meter Yagi
1/4 wave 2-meter vertical
440 MHz vertical
11-meter 5/8 wave vertical (10 and 11 meter)
80 meter Carolina Windom

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Mail to the author, Raymond Sirois/
I can also be reached via ICQ, where my UIN is 2375630. If I'm online, give me a shout!