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Current Openings: Plenty

You can not resist the power of THE HIPPOS OF DEATH!

If you registered with the form, you must email me again to re-register.

For some reason, Geocities forms are different than what I'm used to. You must email me in order to re-register.

This is an order created to destroy any opposing threats to the katana fleet. We kill anything that appears to be a threat to us. We are a merciless, death obsessed, brutal human killing machine. By now, you must've realized, we are a dark side order. We hate the ways of the light side. We are ruthlessly hardened against the ways of the Empire, and violently oppose the Rebel alliance. Fighting to restore true political bliss to the galaxy, The Hippos of Death are always ready to crush, kill, and destroy anything to bring honor to Katana. If you challenge us, I can almost guarantee it, you will not live long. We will even sacrifice ourselves to destroy a hostile threat. IMHO, light side is for wusses.

Order Status: Come one, come all. (Anyone that is eligible may join)

League: LSF; Faction: Katana Fleet

Requirements: MUST be active; If you do not choose to participate, you will not last long in this order; Must be a Dark Jedi; Must be fairly decent at 3d Action Shooters (don't worrry, if you are not an expert, you will get PLENTY of practice); Must agree to be a member in LSF and Katana and attend regular meetings; Must be a ruthless, merciless killer; Get ICQ Now! That is how we communicate; Must have Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight (duh!); Must be able to play Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight (Another duh!)

Motto: "Life is precious, so why not steal it?"