
    Java Programs I have written:

  1. Chinese LED: A LED board that will display both English and Chinese messages.
  2. A Java applet that allows you to play with Penrose tiles, there is a link to a site where there is a brief introduction to Penrose tile.
  3. Headline A Java Application that allows you to get article's headlines of a newsgroup from a NNTP news server. It displays them as scrolling text.(This is an application, not an applet, so you can not use it with a browser, you have to download it to use it).

Visit my 3-D Graphic Gallery . I created these images using POV-ray software.

My Chinese stamps collection. This is located at my other site which is more culture relate. Actually, those little cute pandas in this page are scanned from stamps.

My Work
Right now I am working for Webhire Inc.(after my original company HR Sites International was purchased by Webhire on Dec, 1999) in Chicago as a Senoir Software Development Engineer.

I am developing Client/Server applications with latest technology and tool:

  1. Java language:Write once, run anywhere, best language for Internet programming. Use Java Applets for interface at Client side, use Java Servlets for interface at Server side (use Netscape Enterprise plug-in WebSphere AppServer from IBM)
  2. Object Store PES Pro(Persistent Store Engine):Forget about SQL, PSE stores and retrieves data as Objects. Objects are intelligent things, they have their own methods to handle their data. You would not want to disassemble you car before you put it into your garage, do you?
  3. CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture):Forget about CGI, CORBA is about 20 times faster. It is a language independence standard. Our Java application with CORBA interface is running at our machine, ready to be called by Java Servlets anytime when it is needed. With CORBA, your program can run at any machine and still be able to be called by other program over the network.

You can search for a job in our sites, go to and find a job there is suitable for you.

Here is my Résumé and a brief introduction of my Research on my Ph.D in Physics

Contact Me
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In case you wander what I look like, here are a few photos of myself.

IF...., this is a poem I like.

I was a student of USTC(University of Science and Technology of China), class 814, if you are a former student of USTC, you may be able to find your old classmates Here


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