Greetings to you rambler
It starts here
Who the hell is this Obba?
Things, I have already done
Things, I will do soon

I am happy to see you on my web page and allow me to particiate in the wasting of some of your short time still remaining from your life. You can mostly find things here that I am willing to make public and I think that might interest you as well. If I talk about things that you might find offensive and/or involves you and you would like to let me know about it, you are welcome to do so, I want to know your opinion. You can find a link at the bottom of each page that can help you with that. If ''God and the Party'' both want it that way, your opinion will be considered... If you want to make your opinion public, feel free to put that in my guest book, but be careful if you put something that I do not like I will censor it out!
If you happen to find a link that leads to nowhere, do not worry, you are not alone, and the only reason for that is that my pages are under heavy contruction.
If you happen to look for my old pages you can find them here.

Joyful browsing,

Obba (Matyi, Obi, Uborka, Laz, Laci, LAC, whatever name you know me, I let you pick the one you like)

Magas nekem ez az angol nyelv, magyarul akarom.

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