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[Mon, 15 Jul 2007]
I'd totally forgotten about this website. it's totally out of date. Try my current page for me (Shalom Craimer) at

[Mon, 14 Oct 2005]
Lost the PHP source, and kinda lost interest in running this site for a while. Life is good, though :-)

[Mon, 14 Aug 2000]
Rewrote the site to be created by PHP. This makes supporting mutliple versions of the site (low/high bandwidth, frames, etc.) much simpler.

[Mon, 7 Sep 1998]
After looking around in my code directory, I was astonished to discover that two of the module central to the CSV2UnixMail project were gone! I'm going to have to re-write and re-test every inch of them. Thank God for code documentation, at least.

[Sun, 6 Sep 1998]
Due to a few bugs, I had to re-write parts of the CSV2UnixMail converter. I reposted the new version. Thanks to [IcePik] for for the info!

[Tue, 25 Aug 1998]
My birthday was yesterday, Yipee!!!
Acutally, I spent most of yesterday trying to code a LiteStep wharf component in Borland (Insprise?) Builder.And after all that work, I can't even make it build the DLL correctly! It jusy won't export the functions. Oh, well... I'll figure it out...

[Sun, 23 Aug 1998]
Well, here goes! The page is going up!

The main reason for this page is my mail convertion programs for converting from MS Exchange to Unix mail. The only other program that exists to do this costs about $250 for 50 people. But I don't want to pay $250 for just me - so I wrote these program. Go to the Projects page to get more information, and to download it.

Programming Projects

anything that I think could be a useful program, and anything you suggest.


I suppose this is what attracts most people to the site, so I'm putting a page with the list of the files that people might want from the site.


my humor archive. I run a small humor/joke/misc. mailing list, this being where the archive is. I only run jokes that are new, and that meet some minumum of humor.


I know, this my seem to be the most dumb thing to put on site. But I think that some of the links are really worth looking at. They are sorted by subject and I have a few comments about each site.

About me

this is just about the most boring thing on the site, but it's there, so I'm mentioning it.

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