Pretty much rawks

Welcome to my web page. My name is Marcus Hays and
I am an undergraduate student in my second year at
Virginia Tech. These are some of the projects that I am
working on. The source code is available on request.
I am also not responsible for anything that happens to
your computer while running these programs. I dont think
that anything will, but if it does, i take no responsibility.
All projects were developed in either WinNT 4 or Win2000 prof.
All these programs require some sort of OpenGL acceleration.
I have only tested these programs with a TNT2 Ultra, and with
windows color depth of 32 bits. If anyone finds problems
running these on different systems,or just any questions
or comments at all,please
email me at

Current Projects
Screen Shot
I call this game pizong.
It'sort of a 3d pong game.
I actually programmed this
quite a while ago, but I got
bored with it and started
working on other things. I
was checking through my project
subdirectory when i was making
this web page, and thought it
would be a good addition.
You can download it by clicking
This is my original tank game.
It has cool little trees and
boxes which are supposed to be
houses. You can drive it around
and shoot. But right now there is
no collision detection. Of course
that is soon to change. I just had
to implement a PR-QuadTree for my
Data Structures class, so of course
you know what that means, Octrees!!
Yay!! I'm just about to go home for
spring break, so if i bring my computer
home it will probably be implemented in
a week, otherwise, it might take a
little longer. I think this game is
kinda nifty, so download it

I don't really have a name
for this game. It's sorta
a 3d hover tank game, so maybe
I'll just call it... uhh....
awww yeah.... This game is
basically an extension of the
tank game above which i was
thinking seemed a bit too flat.
And then of course I had to add
jumping, so maybe i should call
WackMan's Crazy flying tank game.
Anyway, this is the project which
i have been working on most
recently. And you can download
it here

This is a nifty little program
that I wrote for no real reason
It's a kinda cool gravity simulation
which has particles orbiting around
each other. This project is quite a
bit older than the ones above, but I
still think that it's really cool.
And you can download
it here

Page Last Updated 3/21/00