My Shareware/Freeware Offerings

I've been a keen programmer for a number of years but have only recently started to share my creations. I'm in the process of moving stuff from my home page at the University of Bath to here. Hence this page, as the cliche goes, is very much under construction. I've got a number of programs in the pipeline and I expect this page to expand in the next couple of months.

Juggle Saver

Juggle Saver was my very first piece of shareware and is something I'm very pleased with. It's the response from this program that has prompted me to expand my programming efforts. Juggle Saver is a 3D juggling simulator that acts as a Windows 95/NT screensaver. It's great fun to watch and can be useful as a juggling teaching aid. To get a feel for what the program is like, take a look at this animated gif. Download Juggle Saver (941K).

Saver Starter

Saver Starter v1.2 (11K) is a useful freeware utility that sits in the windows system tray and allows the current screen saver to be started by either clicking it or by putting the mouse cursor onto one of the customisable hot-spots (useful if you haven't got the plus pack).


Sizer is yet another useful freeware utility that sits in the system tray. Right clicking the icon gives you the option to resize the current window to 1024x768, 800x600, or 640x480 (or any customisable size). Very handy to see what your web page looks like under various common resolutions, or for perfect screen shots of windows.

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