
A Bingo Card for WorldsAway 2.x
Normal screen
Restore card screen
Bingo95 (requires Windows95)

Bingo95 is a bingo card for WorldsAway 2.x (worldname auto-detected) that is designed to work with all host programs.

Less used functions such as Save Card and Restore Card are moved to the file menu. You may save an unlimited number of cards, and delete individual saved cards! The minimize button is active so you can minimize to the task bar.

World name is auto-detected so WA updates are no problem.

Support for multiple cards is now included, so you only have to click on ONE auto button to update numbers on ALL cards. See new integrated help file for newest features.

Big numbers and a BIG auto button... all in a nice small card. And now you can change numbers on your card by simply right-clicking on the number you wish to change!

CLICK here to download - v2.0E, 160K, dated 10/24/97

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