Lightyear Consulting

Welcome to Lightyear Consulting - your information center for OS/390, DB2, CICS and IMS. We are proud to be working together with IBM to bring you professional technical marketing support as well as the latest  product information and news of upcoming education courses. Our aim is to bridge the gap between our clients and IBM, providing product-specific expertise at no cost to you. 

New in the DB2 page;
 - DB2 UDB for OS/390 Version 6
 - DB2 is Number 1
 - 2000 Tech Conf in Las Vegas

New in the CICS page;
 - CICS and the Internet
 - CICS Millennium Focus Update

 The OS/390 page;
 - 2000 OS/390 EXPO & Performance
    Conference - Washington, D.C.


New in the IMS page;
 - Introducing IMS V7
 - IMS e-business enablers
 - 2000 IMS Technical Conference
    Anaheim, Ca

- New DB2 UDB: a Young Blue Racehorse
S/390 Server Sets Web Perf Record
S/390 gets highest security validation
UDB V6 Customer Comments
DB2 hits its stride: InfoWorld, May 99







This site was last updated on Nov. 12, 1999
Please send comments or suggestions to