D*I*G*I*F*R*I*E*N*D*S*- Episode 2 -Misunderstanding

Setting: Kari's apartment eight-ish

T.K. and Kari were staring at each other for a while, finally Kari spoke*

Kari: T.K., so um, what brings you to my place?

T.K.: Well, I couldn't find Matt, or any of the others, so I thought they were all at your place. And anyway, it's right across the hall from Matt, so it wouldn?t be a lost task if they weren't here.

Kari: Sorry, I'm the only one here.

T.K.: Oh man. Well, I better go and find Matt. See ya then.

Kari: No, T.K. don't go.

Kari: Well, you just look tired, I mean you had a long day coming from Denver to here, and stuff.

T.K.: Uh huh.

Kari: So, why don't you stay here and rest, until we hear from any of the guys.

T.K.: Well that's very kind of you. I do feel a bit sleepy.

Kari: Uh, you can sleep in my room. Well, it's only 8, and well I won?t be going to sleep till really late, and by then we've probably heard from Matt or someone.

T.K.: Okay, *yawn*. Or just wake me before 11. *Yawn*

Kari: Sure.

As T.K. past Kari he gave her a little thank you kiss. Kari then blushed and made a huge smile as he went to her room

Kari: *thinking* Oh, wow that was incredible. I wish I can tell you how I feel T.K., but I'm just to shy!

*Knock, knock*

Kari: Who's there?

Mimi: Well, Mimi of course!

Kari *opening the door: Oh, hi Mimi.

Mimi: Phew, man I...hey where's everyone?

Kari: They all had things to do, I guess.

Mimi: Oh, OK. I guess it's been a while since um, most of them weren't here. *Crying* I need people here!

Kari: OK. Mimi I think you need some rest.

Mimi: Oh, OK. I guess I should call it a night. I worked hard today, I made up three new songs. You'll hear em' at the coffee shop tomorrow.

Kari: Ok, now buh-bye! * CLOSING THE DOOR*

Mimi: Okay, bye. *Stopping the door* Wait, are you trying to rush me out. Cuz if you are, you'll hurt my feelings!

Kari: NO! I'm um, know that you want sleep, and I, too am sleepy, so how are we going to make any conversations when we're asleep?

Mimi: Good point! Then I guess I should go. Sorry if I made you think I was mad at you, toodles.

Kari: Bye! *Shuts the door* *thinking: I can't let anyone T.K.'s here with me alone. They'll make more rumors and embarrass me!

* Setting in front of the department store. Tai is standing emotionless looking at Sora being happy with another guy.*

Tai thinking: OK, I guess she moved on. We're only friends, come on Tai, nothing will ever happen again, stop thinking that there's a chance. Oh, wait should I go to her? No. But, then she'll think I stood her up? Well, anyway I think that she'll go somewhere with that guy and then she'll never know I stood her up. Ok, I'm going home!

Sora: Chris, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in a while!

Chris: I?m here for an orchestra performance. Man, I'm so happy to see you. I saw you standing here, so I decided to come. What are you waiting for?

Sora: I?m waiting for Tai, a friend. He promised me help for a gift for my mom. He's late.

Chris: I?ll wait with you. And if that friend doesn't come in ten minutes, stop waiting, and I'll help you.

Sora: Oh, you're so sweet. *Gives him a huge hug*

*Setting, Matt's place. *

*Door slams *.

Matt: I think she stopped following me.

Screaming voice "Matt, cutie pie, where are you?(distant) Matt! Matt!"

Izzy: I think we lost her!

Joe: Phew, man I'm out of breath!

Matt: Thanks guys for hiding with me. Oh, I'm really glad we lost that, that, that, thing! She's so scary! She's a stalker man!

Izzy: Well, Tai left his apartment, so it would have been a good idea to go to ours then, huh?

Matt: *giving him a look* Fine, Mr. Logic.

Izzy: Heheh.

Matt: Oh crap! I forgot T.K. was supposed to come!

Izzy: Why, don't we ask Kari if she seen him?

Matt: Good idea!

Open their door, take 3 steps and knocks on Kari's door. *

Kari: I'm coming! *Opens door*

Matt: Hey Kari! Have you seen T.K. around?

Kari: Oh, have I seen T.K. around?

Matt: Yeah, have you seen...

Tai: I am so mad! *Tai says as he bursts into his sister's apartment*

Kari: Hi Tai. How ya doing?

Tai: I am so mad, mad, mad!

Kari: Why?

Matt: Yeah, why man?

Tai: OK, (voice kind of breaky) so I was suppose to help Sora look for a gift for her mom, right? And as I come to her, this guy comes up to her, and then they hug and kiss! So, I thought she would stand me up, so I left! Well, excuse me for barging in, what are you guys up too?

Matt: Um, oh yeah. We came to ask Kari if she seen T.K.

Kari: Uh?

T.K.: (getting out of Kari's room) Hey guys!

Everyone: Hi T.K.

*Kari now is red, she knows what's going to happen, their going say aw, cute, T.K. and Kari together, and stuff. They did. T.K. was enjoying it, Kari just couldn't believe how idiotic her friends were and then all of the sudden she burst. *

Kari: Guys, look it's not what you think. T.K. was tired, I asked him if wanted to sleep, he did, I stayed in the living room, and now you guys came!

Everyone: Sure?.

Kari: That's the truth.

---Everyone sort of mocks them----

Kari: IT'S TRUE! In fact I hate T.K.! * And then she ran out of her apartment, crying and was really embarrassed.

T.K.: Kari, come back! *Then he ran after her*

Tai: I guess we should have been more sincere.

Matt: Hey, you're the one who said sure first.

Tai: Shut up.

Matt: Shut up or what?

Tai: I, uh, um, will punch you so hard that you'll get knocked out the window and fall like 10 stories down!

Matt: Eep! OK, man.

Joe: Man, you sound like a mouse Matt.

Matt: Shut up!

Izzy: (in a mockery voice) OR what?

Matt: I, uh, um, will punch you so hard that you?ll get knocked out the window and fall like 10 stories down, man!

Joe: OK. Lets just all SHUT UP!

Everyone out of sync: Yeah, okay, agree.

*Then the door opens, it was Sora. And with her was Chris. Tai looks at them then at the floor. Sora looks at him as if she was disappointed.*

Tai: You know what guys I better go.

Everyone in a soft kind of voice: O.K. see ya Tai.

He walks towards the door, and Sora looks off in the other direction. *

Will Tai and Sora ever be in peace now? Will Kari and T.K. ever say they like each other? Find out in Episode 3!