No Disapointment- By Kinky One

"Mm hmm, of course Mimi." Sora nodded, she seemed slightly distracted. She was listening to Mimi’s boyfriend woes. Today, it was Jou. She loved Mimi, she was her best friend, but the girl could be a little self-centered, at times. Here she was, rambling on about a guy who obviously cared about her, and Sora was on the verge of a potential nervous breakdown.

She continued to pretend to listen to Mimi, but thought about Tai. Obviously (or not so obviously, if you are very, very thick) to everyone but the two involved, they made the perfect couple. Anyway, Sora’s thoughts were, as usual, centered on Tai. ‘He’s so perfect. Will he ever notice me? But it’s beyond that point now. He would’ve done something . . . Maybe he was in love with . . . Mimi,’ she mused. ‘No Sora, you know that’s not true,’ she told herself sternly. In an effort to dispel the thought, she tuned back into Mimi’s saga.

" . . . And now he’s off at college, and he probably has some cute, smart girlfriend named Candy . . ." she wailed.

‘That girl loves being a martyr. She’s always making up imaginary girlfriends for the guys she liked,’ Sora thought, ‘and they were always named Candy-" suddenly she stopped herself. "I am such a hypocrite!"

Mimi blinked. Stopping her wailing momentarily to stare at Sora.

Sora blushed; suddenly realizing she’d spoken aloud. She cleared her throat, quickly thinking of some sort of excuse. "I mean, I was thinking that you have too many stuffed animals, then I realized that I have quite the collection, myself," she attempted lamely.

Mimi accepted the cover-up, and quickly resumed her laments, "And he wrote me a letter, and he mentioned Me an, me an- Matt and me goin’ out, and- and I was like, what? But then I remembered, you remember when, like five months ago, Jou visited? Well, he remembered that like, while he was here me and- Matt and me were going out. We were only, like dating for a week or two, but he came in the middle of it, you know, like before we started having problems, and then broke up? Yeah, well I like didn’t tell him, ‘cuz I thought he knew, but, oh damnit…"

Realizing that Mimi was about the same place in her soap opera she had been ten minutes ago, Sora decided it was safe to resume her thoughts of Tai. She was setting herself up like a debate team. "Well, if he did like you he would’ve . . ." her pessimistic side would say. But her optimistic side would argue, "But if he didn’t . . ." She would’ve liked to agree with the optimist side, but instead, she sided with the pessimist, it was safer that way.

Mimi had stopped her stream of self-pity to catch her breath. Sora took the lull in conversation to break away. She stood up and grabbed her coat. As she headed out the door she turned and said, "I’ve gotta go, soccer practice. Call me if you want, around eight okay?"

Mimi lifted her head up long enough to say, or sniffle rather, "Bye."

And Sora left, to the muffled sobs of her best friend. For a moment she felt guilty. She shouldn’t leave her best friend crying at a time like this . . . but then she remembered. Mimi was famous for her crying, and her "at a time like this" lines. If a mouse sneezed on her she started sobbing about "a time like this" If Mimi wasn’t crying, then she’d be worried. Besides she had to go to practice.

Soccer. Tai. He was captain, and a good one too, all the girls (especially Sora) thought so. And the coaches and boys too, everyone. ‘I wish I was better at soccer,’ she thought fervently, ‘then maybe he’d notice me!’




Sora smiled. Leave it to Mimi to cheer her up. She had been yelling at herself about missing a goal, and right in front of Tai! Even though it was kind of hard not to be in front of Tai on the soccer field. But she was past that, as she ran down the field, just in time to see Tai score a goal. As the crowd cheered, she realized that he wasn’t mad at her, he was too involved in the game. ‘But if I do really, really well, he’s sure to notice me!’

Sora was convinced that outside the Digital World, Tai took no heed of her (though it’s apparent to all of us that he notices her, take for instance Matt’s concert . . .). She assumed that while she notices him (obviously), he is too wrapped up in his many admirers to notice her noticing him. ‘Not,’ she corrected herself, ‘that Tai was conceited or anything- it’s just that, that well, like his many potential girlfriends blocked her from view, blinding him with their shiny hair and makeup, and like, sing song voices, and six syllable ‘HI’s.’ she laughed to herself, thinking of Mimi and added, ‘and they’re all named Candy.’ She was still giggling later, when she scored a goal. And of course, Tai couldn’t help noticing her (not that he wouldn’t have otherwise).

Mimi was impressed. ‘Wonder what made Sora get so good?’ She pondered upon the last two days. Sora had been at the park almost continually, practicing soccer. She was still thinking of this when there was a piercing scream from the field.

A big crowd had gathered in the center of the field. ‘Oh, no, oh, crap where’s Sora? She nervously searched the mob. Damnit! She jumped up and ran over to the crowd, slapping and shoving her way to the injured party. And there she was, just coming to. Her head was on Tai’s lap, and her nose was bleeding. There was already a bluish bruise coming in on her forehead. Mimi sat down next to her and held her hand. "What the hell happened?" she screamed at Tai.

Tai didn’t seam at all fazed at Mimi’s outburst. He was rather upset at Sora’s condition though. He looked Mimi in the eye and explained what happened, "She was running down the field when that dork over there, Jon, kicked the ball to her," turning to the prior mentioned, Jon, he barked, "way too high. Did you learn anything at all at soccer camp? Honestly, you should get cut from the team for a screw up like this!" Then turning back to Mimi he continued, in a much more civil tone, "then, after she went down, somehow, half the team stepped on her." He glared at those surrounding him. They knew they were in for some yelling.

Sora blinked, "W-what happened?"

"Half the team screwed up, and nearly killed you."

Sora looked up and saw Tai’s face, looking down at her with concern, and grinned, "Oh, that’s nice," she sighed.



"And Tai was the first one at your side!" Mimi said brightly.

"Really?" Sora’s eyes lit up.

"Well, it makes sense, him being captain and all."

"Oh," Sora’s face fell.

Mimi had been watching her expressions closely. They confirmed what she had thought all along. "You like him, don’t you."

"Me? Ah, n-no, I mean, he’s nice, um, well," realizing it was no use, she gave in, "Yeah."

"Well, that was easier than I thought it’d be."

"You don’t- You don’t think he likes me?"

"You’d have to ask him"

"What?! Mimi! What about you and Joe, and Matt, and Izzy, and Bobby, and Dan, and John and . . .well. You never just right out asked them. You spent hour upon hour with me, in this very room, sobbing over them."

"Well, this is different."


"Well, you have sense, I don’t."

"Hmph! I think you should call Joe. But, on the subject of me, do you think Tai likes me? Come on, tell dear Sora if her gorgeous crush likes her."

"Well, in my opinion, he does . . . but I obviously have no sense when it comes to boys." Mimi replied carefully.




"Um, hi Sora. I- I’m really sorry about the match on Saturday, I should’ve been there I could’ve . . ."

"No, no, Tai, it’s fine! I’m fine, I’m especially glad I didn’t break my nose! Ahem. I wanted to thank you for your help, it meant a lot to me. You’re a really great captain, and you know, It’s not your fault. Clumsy me, if only I was better, well, it wouldn’t have happened, and we could’ve continued the game."

"Oh, thanks. I just didn’t think we should keep playing, one man-er player short."

"Okay, well, I’ll be at practice today, my nose is fine."

"Great! see you."



"Hello Mrs.Takenuchi, is Sora home?"

"Why, Yes Tai, she’s about to leave for soccer. I’ll tell her you’re here."

"Oh, hi Tai! What are you here for?"

"Well, I was walking to soccer and thought I’d stop by to see if you were coming."

"Well, I told you this morning that I was."

"I know, I just wanted to see if you were still coming."

"Yeah, I am, I’m leaving right now."

"Well, what’s the likelihood of that, so am I!"

"Yeah, let’s go." Sora said giggling

As they walk, Sora seems very self-conscious of her nose. She tries to cover it with her hand, without being obvious. Tai notices but doesn’t say anything, he assumes that it still hurts. Sora, on the other hand, doesn’t care if it hurts, as long as it goes back to its original size. And she can’t help trying to hide the Band-Aid covered feature, which used to be a nose.

They arrived at the park. Half the team was already assembled. They looked up from their stretches when they saw Tai and Sora approaching. Then they giggled and nudged each other. Sora didn’t mind them thinking she and Tai were going out, she just didn’t want Tai to think she had started the rumor. But when she looked over at Tai, he was grinning. She wondered why. She understood when he started talking to the team. He just loved soccer, and anything that had to do with it made him happy.



"Oh, Mimi! I just don’t know what to do!"

"Tell him."

"Mimi!!" Sora cried, fairly screaming with exasperation.

"Well," retorted Mimi indignantly, "I haven’t ever been after a guy for the better part of four years!"

"Call Joe."

"Fine! But we’re not talking about him right now. Sora, you are incredibly unpredictable! First you’re whining at me that we never talk about you, and then you bring up Joe. Besides, I decided I didn’t want a long distance relationship. Just think of the phone bill!"

"Mimi, you’ve never cared about a phonebill once in your entire life. Who are you after now?"

"It doesn’t matter."

"No you just don’t want to tell me do you, Mimi?"

"Damnit, Sora, you’re trying to change the subject!"

"No you are. Prior to the mention of your new love, there was no subject."

"We were talking about you and Tai, and what you have going for you there."

"Exactly, nothing, therefore no subject!"

"Quit feeling sorry for yourself!"


Mimi and Sora were now continually fighting. No, don’t worry, not the bad kind of ‘I hate you!’ kind of fighting. It was the constructive ‘you better wise up’ kind of fighting. Mimi was convinced (correctly might I mention) that Tai and Sora (you might recognize it as Taiora) made the perfect couple. And Sora was convinced of the opposite (I know she’s wrong, but hey, nobody’s perfect). So Sora was often caught attempting to change the subject. Meanwhile Mimi tried to avoid mentioning Izzy (oh, did I give away the surprise crush? sorry). Oh, and while I was explaining all this crap, Mimi was trying to convince Sora to call Tai. She finally settled to call him herself (Sora was opposed to this too).

"Mimi, hang up while there’s sill a chance."

"Shut up! It’s ring- Erm, Hello Mrs. Kamiya."

Sora waited, biting her lip, for Mimi to speak again. Just as she hissed, "Don’t tell her who it is."

Mimi said, "This is Sora, may I speak to Tai?"

"Sora?! Mimi you’re losing your mind!"

She sat steaming waiting to hear the one sided conversation with Tai. She didn’t dare pick up the extension.

"Hi Tai!" Mimi said brightly.

"I hope you weren’t trying to sound like me."

Mimi covered the mouthpiece, "Shut the hell up." Then in a much nicer tone, "No, this isn’t Sora Tai." There was a pause then, "Because I didn’t want to get some excuse, like, ‘he’s washing his hair’ like I’d believe that!"

Sora didn’t think it was going very well.

"What do you mean ‘why the hell did I call you’? I can call you whenever I damn well please!"

"Sorry Tai."

"Yes, Tai, I know you’d much rather speak to Sora."

"Mimi, you suck." said Sora, expecting to find a dial tone. She didn’t. Holding it to her ear she gasped and said, "Oh, hi Tai. I, I thought Mimi was playing a joke on me."

"Yeah, Mm hmm. We do have more similar interests, soccer and all. Yes. No there wasn’t any point in Mimi’s call. I don’t know why she did. Mm hmm. Oh, no, I didn’t have anything to say. OK, bye."

"Oh my god Sora! How could you fail so miserably at a phone call? Honestly ‘no, I don’t know why she called’ why the hell didn’t you tell him-"

"Mimi shut up! What was I supposed to say? You shouldn’t have called him. Besides the only reason he’d rather talk to me is soccer, and apparently, you are a spoiled brat."

"I am not a brat!"

"Well, he doesn’t care about me, just soccer."

"He always was a good liar."

Sora was crying now, "You see why I couldn’t call him? He only looks at me on the field . . ."

"So that’s why you’ve been practicing so much lately! I knew it!" Mimi hugged Sora. "Oh, dear, I shouldn’t have called."

"See, I told you."

"Just shut up and let me be a good friend OK? You know, Tai’s probably being consoled by one of his friends right now, or, he’s probably just sulking. You were very confident, not a hint of your babyish qualms showed."

"Really? I’m glad."

"You know, in a way, it would’ve been better if you’d been all scared and nervous and stuff, he mighta noticed and felt better."

"You still suck, Mimi."



"I am sick of all this fooling around. Tai, get your ass over here."

"Mimi! No!" Sora whispered vehemently, as Tai made his way over.

"Tai, Sora, cut the crap. Everyone but you can tell you like each other. I’m gonna leave now, and I swear, if you guys aren’t going out by next Tuesday, I’m gonna have some serious ass to kick."

Sora felt like she wanted to die, "Mimi," she whispered, "he doesn’t want to . . ." but Mimi was gone. Sora saw her walking back to a group of people all clapping loudly.

"Oh, Tai, I’m so sorry she did that. She didn’t have to make a big scene. I’m really, really, embarrassed, especially for you, you can go now."

"And get my ass kicked? I don’t think so."

"It’s an empty threat. She’d feel so sorry for me . . ."

"Well, at least it gives me an excuse to take you somewhere."

"All right, then if you want to." She glanced back at the group of cheering people. "I can’t believe they’re watching us!"

"Well, we mustn’t disappoint them." And with that he pulled a wide-eyed Sora to him and kissed her.

The end of my crappy story,

but the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

(aren’t I a sap)

*hee hee hee*