Sora & Tai

Sora and Tai, who are they?

They are children.

Children who had a mission.

A mission to save the world.

The world should be thankful to them; and the six others.

But, what happened to them after the world was saved?

Did they go off and never see each other again?

Is that to be believed?

The answer lies on the unknown future...

Did they fall in love with each other?

Or did they like different entities?

Does Sora love Matt?

Does Tai love Mimi?

Why would one care?

Love is the truest thing on this world.

How could they not fall in love?

They loved the same things.

They grew up together.

And they laughed together.

Would they love?

Would they marry?

Or would they hate?

Or forget?

The answer lies in the unknown future...