A'quau & Rayrisa
Darkling Dawn
Wu Weyr Bremek Weyr Personas
Name: A'quau (Alequau)
Rank: Sr. Apprentice (Farmercrafter)/Candidate
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Family: Father-Unknown
            Step-father-Riurn (deceased)
            Mother-Alyissa (missing)

Appearance: Reasonably attractive, Alequau is nevertheless extremely short, not even five feet. He is thin, but muscular, and has a deep tan from often working outdoors, though his skin is splattered with darker freckles as well. His hair is a sandy blondish brown color, that is slightly wavy and hangs down his back. His eyes are a deep, dark brown.
Personality: An avid writer, Alequau likes to read a lot. Normally, he's polite enough, but when it comes to his sister, he tends to get overprotective of her, and when he's angered he can be very rude. He is not good at controlling his temper, no matter how he tries, and is very hard-headed and brash. He is also very kind, however, and is always willing to share and help others. He's a hard worker, but has a tendency to let his mind wander if he's bored. He is very close to his sister and they are generally good friends, though she does sometimes get exasperated with Alequau's overprotectiveness.
Past: Alequau was born just shortly after his parents were married, and it was obvious that, while he was his mother's son, he was not her husband's. It is unknown who his real father is. Even so, Riurn treated him the same as if he were his own, and Alequau quickly grew to love and respect his step-father. Due to his mother's abuse, he and his sister had to be fostered out when he was nine years old, and they wound up in a small, farming hold. Alequau eventually apprenticed to the Farmercraft Hall, and Rayrisa apprenticed to the Beastcraft Hall to work with animals. At sixteen, he is a senior apprentice, though not quite yet ready to become a journeyman.
Pets: Blue Fire Lizard, Sceren
        Gold Fire Lizard, Maylasa
Dragon: Green Rienkith
Impressed at: Wu Weyr
Name: Rayrisa
Rank: Jr. Apprentice (Beastcrafter)/Candidate
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Family: Father-Riurn (deceased)
            Mother-Alyissa (missing)

Appearance: Pretty and slender, Rayrisa is much taller than her brother, to his dismay, standing at over six feet. Her skin is tanned, with a peculiar orange tinge to it, and her hair is brownish blonde with darker highlights. It is only slightly wavy, and is cut short. Her eyes are a light, clear blue.
Personality: Though not the bookworm that her brother is, Rayrisa is intelligent in her own way, and clever. She is very proper and polite, and has a much better control over her emotions than Alequau. She doesn't like to work, however, and often shirks her duties in favor of other, more pleasurable pursuits. She is very kind and gentle, with an empathetic air that lets people trust her easily. She's outgoing, and enjoys hiking and the forest.
Past: Rayrisa grew up with her parents and older half-brother, Alequau, but when she was seven, her mother started to become abusive, so the children had to be fostored off. She went with her brother to a farming hold, and when she was twelve, she apprenticed to the Beastcraft Hall. Though not the best crafter, she is reasonably skilled and at least interested in what she's doing, though she likely won't walk the tables for many, many years.
Pets: Blue Fire Lizard, Kami
Dragon: Green Month
Impressed at: Bremek Weyr
Month was flopped on the ground in an almost haphazard position, which must somehow have been comfortable, because the young green was fast asleep.
Or so Rayrisa thought, until the weeks-old weyrling opened her rainbow eyes mischeivously. The green female shifted around as though she were uncomfortable, causing Rayrisa to frown. "Are you itching again, Month?"
The green stopped moving guiltily.
No, Mine, I don't itch. The way her claws kept twitching and how she kept rubbing her body against the ground seemed to suggest otherwise, however.
Rayrisa inspected the dragon, tsking frustratedly. "Month!"
What? The dragon asked innocently.
"Your skin is flaking again. I'll just bet you're itching right now! You should have told me earlier!" The girl scolded, getting up to retrieve her jar of oil.
Month sulked.
Now you're going to give me a bath. I hate baths.
Rayrisa rolled her eyes. "You bet your tail I'm going to give you a bath now!" She snapped angrily. "If it's not treated, it will only get worse."
Month's eyes whirled sadly.
Sorry, Rayrisa.
Immediately, the girl's eyes softened, and she sighed. "It's okay, Month. But next time, make sure you tell me when you start itching. Come on, after your bath, I'll put some oil on to stop the itching, and feed you."
Yay! The green said, perking up.

Later, the weyrling practically purred as Rayrisa slathered the specially-made oil onto her hide, and the itching stopped almost immediately.
I like that. That feels good.
Rayrisa couldn't help but smile. "You hate water, yet love having your hide oiled, even though you hate baths?"
She shook her head and smiled ruefully. "Silly dragon." She said fondly as she finished her chore.
Month craned her head around to stare playfully at her bond.
Yes, but I'm your dragon.
Rayrisa's Green Month
A'quau's Green Rienkith