Darkling Dawn
Clan Akelara
Name: Aseanelle
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Fur: White
Height: 5'2
Build: Average
Hair: White, very long, loose braid
Eyes: Dark blue
Appearance: Small and short, she carries herself with an elegant air that commands respect. Her skin is albino-pale, and her hair is stark white, reaching to her knees and styled in a large, loose braid. Her eyes are very dark blue. She is very beautiful, and aware of it. In her fox form, she has snowy white fur, thick and fluffy, and she keeps her dark blue eyes.
Personality: Quiet and solitary, she keeps to herself. Usually cold and indifferent, but she hates being disrespected and has a quick temper. She is also intensely curious and seems somewhat naive, knowing so little about the outside world. She's very clever and wants to know about everthing. She doesn't reveal much about herself and is very mysterious.
Past: No one's really sure where Aseanelle came from. She simply showed up at Darkling Dawn one day, demanding to know all about dragons. The dragonriders were happy enough to oblige, since virtually every dragon agreed that she had potential as a candidate.
All anyone really knows about her is that she is a kitsune, a fox-shifter with powerful illusion magic, and apparently came from someplace very cold.
After learning about dragons, Aseanelle decided to visit other dragonries and ended up becoming a candidate at Clan Akelara.
Dragon: Female Simple Ice Kristiae
Name: Kristiae
Gender: Female
Element: Ice
Bond: Aseanelle
Powers: Ice (6)
Adult Size: 65' long and 33' high at the shoulder