Darkling Dawn
Starrs of Fyre Personas
Name: Caake (KAW-keh)
Gender: Female
Race: Meera
Age: 7 (Adult)
Fur: Blue
Eyes: Teal
Rank: Middle
Appearance: A large-ish wolf or fox-like creature with a pair of wide, feathery wings on her back. Her fur is a deep ocean blue shade with pale blue and lavendar feathers on her wings. She has five long, fluffy tails. Her fur is thick and silky, with a slightly thicker mane around her neck. Her wide, round-pupilled eyes are a green-blue shade of teal.
Personality: She tends to be rather selfish and always wants to get her own way, but it's really totally by accident. She tries to be nice and polite, but she has a quick temper and little patience. She is also moody and pessimistic, not very willing to see good in a situation and is usually very suspicious of strangers.
Past: She is from a very intelligent, telepathic race known as the Meera. They disdain magic as a rule, but have strong telepathic and telekinetic powers. Caake is in the middling range in terms of her rank in society, as well as level of power. She can mind-speak to anyone who can hear her, (which is most everyone) and can lift objects several times her own weight with her mind.
A deadly plague, along with a growing war among humans, forced the Meera off of their home planet and onto another one, this one much lower tech than what they were used to. Caake, unsatisfied with a nomadic life, turned to magic in an attempt to find a way to some place more interesting. As a result, the other Meera banished her and now refuse to have anything to do with her. She finally managed to perfect a spell to take her offworld, and she wound up at Starrs of Fyre. After meeting the dragons and their bonds, she became intrigued and asked to be allowed to stand for the clutch. She now waits for the first clutch to hatch and, hopefully, bond.
Dragon: Male Dark Blue Rainbow Feather-Winged Dociath
Caake was startled to find out that there had only been one other candidate found for the clutch. What was wrong? Wouldn't everyone be thrilled at the chance to bond a dragon?
Regardless of her misgivings, the clutch hatched on schedule. Many of the hatchlings, she found, simply chose to go unbonded. The 'sponsored' dragonets were given the choice to either stay at their home of Star Thief, or go with one of the representatives from other dragonries. While some dragons did choose to go offworld, the majority of them stayed at Star Thief.
However, Caake was quickly becoming impatient with the people who continuously stepped on her tails or callously pushed them out of their way. She had to bite her tongue when she would have snarled at one such intruder on her space, as that would have been inexcusably rude. Even if they did step on her tails first...
The dragons, having all already hatched during the night, were gathered around their parents as they announced, one by one, what they were going to do.
Finally, a stocky, navy blue male steped forward and rushed unceremonially to Caake, where he seemed quite enamored with her tails.
His wings, though only newly hatched, showed the feathered lineage of his parents, and already bore the rainbow markings which his siblings also shared, even though the actual feathers themselves would not grow in until fledgelinghood.
“I’m sorry I’m not a girl… but I want to be your bond if you let me,” The navy blue dragonet said to Caake.
Caake giggled slightly as he huffed, with his muzzle only inches away from her tails. It tickled! {:
You shall be mine, Dociath, and we will do great things together. :} The Meera told him assuredly.
Dociath grinned up at her absently, as he was still distracted by her many fluffy tails. Rather than minding, as if the humans had stared, she only giggled and lead her young bond away to get some food.
Name: Dociath
Gender: Male
Color: Dark Blue
Powers: Water, Shadow, Weather, will be moderate to major
Bonded To: Caake