Starburst Darkling Dawn
Name: Daria'an
Race: Were-human house cat
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Family: Father-
Darob'i (On bronze Bezeth); Mother-Dra'tia (On dusted teal Miiseas); No siblings
Noh (On Blue-Black Shikita)

Build: Thin
Skin: Creamy with freckles
Hair: Red-orange with faint tabby-stripes, long and fluffy
Eyes: Yellow
Fur: Orange tabby

Appearance: Most of the time, Daria'an is, for all intents and purposes, a perfectly normal house cat, only more intelligent. He's small and thin, with long, fluffy, orange tabby-striped fur. On full moons, he changes into a human form, where he has creamy, freckled skin and red-orange hair with faint tabby markings. In both forms, his eyes are yellow.
Personality: Generally, Daria'an is a mild-mannered and rather bookwormish individual. He's quiet, but friendly, and a little shy as well. He does have a temper, though, (inherited from his mother) and can be impatient.
Past: Like him, both of Daria'an's parents are house cats most of the time. His mother shifts into an uncontrolled dragon form when she gets angry, while his father spends his days as a small dragon and his nights as a cat. They are both bonded to dragons, his mother to a female duowing teal with dusted markings named Miiseas, his father to an oldworld bronze, Bezeth.
Daria'an yowled as one of the lumbering humans in the Great Hall stepped on his tail. The human went on obliviously, never noticing Daria'an's feral yellow eyes glaring at his back.
Daria'an growled quietly as he stalked out of the hall, indignant. His tabby-striped, bright orange fur was fluffed out in testiment to his ire.
Outside, he almost tripped over a large bronze tail lying haphazardly in his path. The dragon glanced down at him, blinking.
Oh, sorry, Daria'an. I didn't see you there.
Bezeth was his father's bond, a bronze of pure oldworld descent. For some reason, though Daria'an had never been able to communicate with humans in cat form, he had never had trouble talking to or hearing dragons.
It's okay, Bezeth. He said, smoothing down his fur.
What's been happening with you? The bronze asked curiously. As it was currently daytime, his father would be in his dragon form. Darob'i was not around, however, so he was probably hunting.
Daria'an sighed inwardly.
Somebody stepped on my tail again. He complained.
Ah. Bezeth gave a draconic grin. Well, at least this time it wasn't a stone golem. He blinked. Was it?
Daria'an scowled.
No, it wasn't. Just a normal human. It still hurt though. He looked down at his long tail and scowled again, convinced that it was ever so slightly crooked.
Apparently trying to change the subject, Bezeth asked,
Hey, have you ever thought about Impressing?
Daria'an blinked.
Impressing? Oh! You mean, as in bonding?
Bezeth seemed to shrug.
Impress, bond, whatever they're calling it here. Have you ever considered getting a dragon? He asked again pointedly.
I...don't know. No, not really. Why?
Bezeth began to fidget nervously. This also caused his wings to fidget, which sent waves of air at Daria'an, ruffling his fur everywhere. He smoothed his fur down again as Bezeth continued.
Well, I was talking to Darob'i earlier. And...we kinda both thought you would make a pretty decent candidate.
Had he been in his infrequent human form, Daria'an would have quirked an eyebrow at that.
Pretty decent? Gee, thanks. He said, not without a touch of humor.
Bezeth tried to ignore it.
Well, anyway, Darob'i was saying that if you wanted, we could talk to one of the searchriders-well, I could talk to one of them, The bronze quickly corrected himself, and maybe get you to stand for some of the clutches here.
Daria'an shook his head.
Bezeth looked crestfallen.
You don't want to?
Oh, I do want to bond! He said enthusiastically. It's just that I wanted to go to someplace other than Darkling Dawn. I mean, I've lived here my entire life, I want to see something new!
Bezeth nodded in understanding.
Oh, I can understand that. Alright then, I'll tell Darob'i and see the searchdragons then. And with that, the bronze walked off, presumabley to find his bond.

G'vin eyed the small tabby cat in front of him incredulously. "You want to be a candidate?" He blinked. Sure, he himself had a pair of bird wings, but still...that had to be the
oddest candidate he'd ever searched.
Aavaanaath relayed the message from the large bronze dragon who was sitting beside the cat. He was beginning to wonder why it was requesting that he send it to Bremek Weyr in the first place, as it seemed it already had a dragon.
Bezeth says that Daria'an-that's the cat-is the son of his rid-bond, Darob'i. He appears to be smarter than most cats, and yes, he is requesting to stand as a candidate.
G'vin fought an urge to roll his eyes. "Well, okay. I guess it wouldn't hurt to at least take you over to Bremek and see how it turns out."
The cat at his feet become to purr abruptly, making G'vin jump as it wound itself around his legs.
Bezeth says that Daria'an says thank you. Aavaanaath said with not a small amount of amusement in his voice.

The residents of Bremek strode around quickly, bustling to finish what they were doing and leave the Weyr forever. Since the clutch was declared stillborn, everything had gone downhill, and the Weyr was forced to close. The few riders who remained hurried to gather their things together and leave, and they never noticed the small, tabby-striped feline wandering aimlessly around the halls.
Daria'an wandered around forlornly, not sure what to do now. The clutch wasn't hatching, and since everyone was leaving, he would have to leave too. Well, either that, or end up living on rats in a spooky and abandoned Weyr. He shivered involuntarily.
A blast of cold air heralded a dragon popping in from
between, and Daria'an looked up out of curiousity. Most dragons nowadays were teleporting away, not coming in. He cheered up when he saw his father's bronze Bezeth coming in for landing, and he began to purr as the dragon sought him out.
Daria'an? Are you here? The bronze asked, craning his neck around for a glimpse of the orange tabby.
Here I am, Bezeth! Daria'an said, running up to him. Everyone's leaving! Where's Dad?
Oh, he's around...somewhere. Bezeth said dismissively. Anyway, I heard that Bremek was closing. I...thought I'd say a final goodbye to my birthplace. Bezeth said, almost sheepishly.
Do you know what's gonna happen to everybody? Daria'an asked plaintively, disappointed at having lost his chance at Impressing.
Bezeth cocked his head thoughtfully.
I don't know much about it, but I heard from some of the other dragons that a lot of the riders were going to Anak Weyr. Apparently it's just opening up-the Senior Queen just rose not long ago-but I don't know where it's located.
Daria'an's ears were cocked in attention now. Really? A queen rose? He asked excitedly.
Bezeth blinked, unable to see what the cat was so excited about.
Yeah, why?
Don't you see? This is great! At Bezeth's clueless look, he continued. Well if the queen rose, she's going to need candidates for her clutch, isn't she? This could be my chance to bond!
Bezeth's eyes brightened in realization. Oh! Well, I suppose I could find someone here who could give me the coordinates to this Anak Weyr, do you want me to speak to the searchdragon for you?
No, that's okay, Bezeth. I can find my own way there. You go find Dad and leave. Mom's probably getting impatient.
Bezeth rumbled uncertainly. You sure?
Of course! Daria'an said as he left. Inside however, he wasn't quite so certain...

Eventually, Daria'an did manage to get to Anak Weyr. All he had to do was sneak into the packs of one of the dragonriders-he heard his father had done something similiar, once-and wait until they took off for Anak Weyr. Once there, he hung around the lower caverns for a while, mostly unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of setting up the Weyr. The Headwoman sometimes left him a bowl of warm milk or a few spare strips of meat, which he was grateful for, and there was an abundance of rats that lived off the Weyr's stores which he made meals of, which the Weyr residents were no doubt grateful for.
Still, he'd come here to bond, though he didn't know quite how to acheive that. When the eggs were laid and candidates began to be searched out, he decided what he would do. It was quite easy, actually. He snuck into the candidates' barracks and stayed there, acting Cute and Adorable until one the candidates decided to keep him as a pet.
The things he did to Impress.

A very large and expensive-though hideously ugly-vase shattered as it hit the wall. "I'm beginning to think I'm jinxed." Daria'an muttered to himself as he sat down on one of the beds in the candidate barracks. The clutch had, once again, been declared still-born, and Daria'an was, once again, left alone in an abandoned Weyr.
Are you done with your little temper-tantrum now? A dry voice asked from outside, and Daria'an turned to see Miiseas, his mother's duo-winged bond. His face lit up, and he ran out to hug the dragon around her neck. Miiseas blinked, startled, and stepped back lightly to get a good look at him.
"Oh, yeah. It's a full moon." Daria'an explained. His parents both turned into dragons, but, for whatever reason, he'd always turned into a human on the full moon. Though it was night, the moon was shining brightly overhead and his features were clear to see. He was thin and tall for a human, with bright yellow eyes and scruffy, carrot-colored hair that had faint tabby stripes in it.
Well, anyway, we're here to take you back with us. Dra'tia heard that the Weyr was closing, and wanted to make sure you were alright. As Miiseas explained this, a tiny, calico-colored cat appeared, purring as Daria'an scratched behind her ears in greeting.
"Hello, Mom."
Miiseas blinked again.
You are a very wierd family.
At Daria'an's look, and no doubt choice words from his mother as well, she said defensively,
Well, you are. 
"So, is it back to Darkling Dawn, now?" He was quite sure he'd seen enough of the Old World as he wanted to by now.
If you want. But there's a Weyr that was just taken offworld, apparently, to a place called Iolana. It sounds interesting, and they have dragon clutches there. Miiseas explained.
"As long as they actually hatch, this time..." Daria'an said dryly, then shook his head. "Alright, I'll try it. If nothing else, the planet might be fun to explore. Better go right now, I might be able to actually sign up for the clutch."

The young, red-haired candidate who had appeared that one night at Starburst seemed to have disappeared mysteriously, though he was still listed on the candidate board. However, an orange tabby cat had appeared, and several girls had exclaimed over how cute he was and argueing over which one of them would get to keep him as a pet.
All Daria'an thought was that he had better bond this time...
Name: Lesinteth
Bonded to: Daria'an
Gender: Male
Colour: Silver
Breed: Dasmalenra/TerraCano Mutt
Size: Medium-Small (Blue-sized)
Personality: Much like Daria’an, Lesinteth has a very mild nature. He delights in a good bit of literature to enrich his mind with, and does not like to pick fights with others. Daria’an may have somewhat of a temper, but Lesinteth will have nothing to do with it. He is very persistent and sets his priorities well. Lesinteth is very interested in Daria’an’s species - the idea of a were-human is something he would like to learn more about. Did we mention he really likes to use big words?
Hatching Message:
You've been waiting a long time, Daria'an... but if you hadn't been standing so many times for stillborn clutches, you'd never have found me, Lesinteth.
Daria'an bonded Lesinteth at: Starburst