Llaxaem & Valadaen
Darkling Dawn
Name: Llaxaem
Gender: Male
Color: Black-Green Shimmer
Size: Large (Gold-sized)
Dam: Unovoqueresuth
Sire: Akriaix
Abilities: Poison Breath(7), Summon Lich(8), Astrakinesis(8)
Personality: Short-tempered and easily angered, Llaxaem is not a dragon to cross. He is known for holding grudges for practically forever, so it's not a good idea to get on his bad side.
Bond: None yet

Name: Valadaen Caelumpictor
Gender: Male
Color: Dark Gold Bronze Air
Size: Small (Green-sized)
Dam: Csillath
Sire: Venilabore Caelumpictor
Abilities: Half-Shifter, Enhanced Weaponry, Enhanced Armor
Personality: More even-tempered than his companion, Valadaen is still quite a loner and cold at best to strangers. He is not as easily angered as Llaxaem, but he still has quite a temper and is sure to get revenge in some way or other, though he'll probably be more discreet about it than Llaxaem. He is cunning and intelligent, with a very conniving mind.
Bond: None yet