Meian & Yuumei
Star City Dragonry Darkling Dawn
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Alignment: Good/Light

Height: 5'11-Tallish
Build: Average
Skin: Very pale
Hair: White, nape of neck, frizzy
Eyes: Blood red

Personality: Meian is the Light Side, active in the daytime, as long as the sun is up. Though fundamentally Good, he doesn't act like it. Very bitter, he has a bad temper and little patience. Often cynical and sarcastic, he comes off as cold and rude, though he doesn't mean to. He's had his life ripped out from under him too many times to count, so he doesn't trust easily and is often skeptical. His conscience often gets the better of him though, and he always does the right thing in the end, even if he doesn't really want to.
Dragon: Female Black-Starry Mortestuth
Gender: Male
Alignment: Evil/Dark

Height: 5'11-Tallish
Build: Average
Skin: Darkly tanned
Hair: Black, nape of neck, frizzy
Eyes: Bright blue

Personality: Yuumei is the Dark Half, active at night when the sun goes down. He is fundamentally Evil, even though he doesn't look or act like he's the least bit dangerous. He is a very good actor, however. He appears to be very innocent and naive. He's very quiet, and speaks softly, so seems shy. He is endlessly patient and calm, his actions are always methodical and never clouded by hatred or anger. He enjoys causing pain and terror, especially to Meian, and is often thinking up new ways to torture people. Fun.
Pets: Female Starry Evil Flit, Meikyou
    About as intelligent as a Pernese fire
        lizard, Meikyou acts much like a
        queen. She is picky and arrogant, and
        scolds if she doesn't get her way. Like
        her owner, she has a sadistic sense of
        humor and will often 'play' with her
        food before she kills it. She is
        deferential to Yuumei and seems fond
        of him, but has a great dislike of Meian
        and constantly attacks and harries
        him during the daylight.
Dragon: Purple-Black Xenomutt Meretheus
Past: For as long as they can remember, Meian and Yuumei have shared a body, Meian being in control during the daytime, and Yuumei at night. Their hair, eye, and skin color differ, but other than that, they look exactly alike. Seeing as their interests conflict so much, they quarrel and share a deep hatred for the other. The 'dormant' one has an awareness of what's going on and can exchange thoughts with the 'active' one, though they can't actually affect anything that goes on around them, or what the other does while they're in control.
They live on a secluded world where technology and magic is harnessed equally. They move around constantly, as either Yuumei is chased away by an angry, bloodthirsty mob, or Meian is kicked out of town, sometimes blamed for Yuumei's actions. Somehow, they ended up at Star City Dragonry just in time to stand for dragon clutches. Their opinions about said dragons differ; Yuumei thinks it would be interesting to have a more intelligent, and therefore deadlier, partner than Meikyou, and Meian figures he'd better bond a dragon just to try to keep Yuumei out of trouble.
Ah, look at it, Meian. The stars, spread out in a vast sea of shadows that they can obliterate no more than the dark can blot out their light. It's so much better from up here, the stars are so much more numerous, and brighter. It's truly beautiful.
Would you stop with the poetry already? Meian ground out, though it lost some of its effect since he was speaking mentally. You're getting on my nerves with your babble, Yuumei.
Of course. Yuumei answered simply in the back of his mind.
Meian shook his head as though that could rid him of his alter ego and turned his back on the giant window to the cold, black space outside. A soft, calm voice spoke up from the intercom system above his head. "Will all candidates please report to Hatching Bay 4 for the hatching of Fabricantepazth's clutch. I repeat, will all candidates please report to Hatching Bay 4 for the hatching of Fabricantepazth's clutch."
The intercom shut off as Meian looked up. He brushed his hand through his short, snowy white hair and mumbled to himself. "Well, I guess this is it."
Good luck. Yuumei added, causing Meian to stumble slightly in surprise. What's with the change of heart, I thought we were mortal enemies?
Oh, don't worry. You'll need all the luck you can get, and then some, to ever stop me. I don't think it'll hurt much.
Oh, shut up.
Meian firmly ignored Yuumei as he joined the rest of the candidates in the hatching bay. The blue dragon with pale, white-gold wings watched the candidates irritably, hovering over her eight eggs protectively.
Nevertheless, the first egg began to crack, and a black-blue dragonet climbed to her hind feet, looking around at the candidates. She quickly chose her rider and stumbled over to the girl, before they went to the feeding tables at the back of the hatching bay.
Two more eggs had hatched in that time, a creamy green with pale gold wings like her mother's, and a male bronze. The bronze strode toward a rat-headed man as he introduced himself and his dragon.
The green-starry, meanwhile, stopped in front of a visibly pregnant woman. Meian's attention was pulled away as three more dragons pulled themselves from their shells. A golden-winged silver dragoness stopped in front of a human woman who took her to the food.
A crimson red dragonet strode towards the candidates, but only seemed to want to get past them to the food. Finally pushing past the horde of 'unworthy' bonders, he gladly made his way to the food bowls.
A female bronze soon followed her brother, choosing not to bond. The next to last egg began to crack, and a brown dragon with dark blue wings climbed from the shell, looking around for his bond. Once he'd found her-a blue-skinned humanoid creature-they moved towards the food.
Meian ignored Yuumei's taunting voice in his head as the last egg continued to rock, as it had been doing since the beginning of the hatching. He stepped closer to it, along with several other candidates, willing it to hatch so he could either bond at last or get out of here.
The shell exploded suddenly, causing several candidates to jump back in surprise. A jet-black dragonet fell to the ground. With a creel, she climbed to her feet, spreading her starry-gold wings slightly, and squeeked.
Automatically, Meian stepped forward to help the black-starry keep her footing as the female hatchling looked up at him, and her emerald green eyes seemed to soften.
So long as it is day, Meian, you and I shall reign together. At night, I shall protect what you've built. You shan't have your life ripped out from under you any more, because I, Mortestuth, shall hold it while you can not.
Meian smiled at the dragon-his dragon-and walked to the archivist. "Uh, I'm Mortestuth. We go over there?" He said, motioning towards the food tables where the rest of the hatchlings were gorging.
"Hmm hmm." The archivist replied absently, and Meian followed his young bond to the food.
Just wait until the next hatching, Meian. Yuumei echoed in the back of his mind.
Hatching Message: So long as it is day, Meian, you and I shall reign together. At night, I shall protect what you've built. You shan't have your life ripped out from under you any more, because I, Mortestuth, shall hold it while you can not.
Name: Mortestuth
Gender: Female
Colour: Black-Starry
Breed: Mutt
Size: Large
Height: 18'
Personality: Mortestuth is a lawful sort of dragon. She believes in 'what is right' and protects it with tooth and claw. 'What is right', however, is often only what her bond, Meian, believes is so. She's under the impression that she exists only to guide Meian's body through each night until dawn, making sure that his body-shared nocturnal personality--Yuumei--doesn't get into trouble.
Cyborware: Mortestuth may redeem one minor cyborware token upon adult-hood.
Story coming soon...
Hatching Message: Oh, you look just about right for me. What's your name? YEW-may? I'm Mayr-EE-thee-uhs, said just like that. I think we ought to bond, you're just too cool! Well, so long's you don't expect me to fight or nothing. I don't want to get beat up again! Oh, so hungry! Can we get something to eat? Please?
Name: Meretheus
Bonded to: Yuumei
Gender: Male
Colour: Purple-Black
Breed: Xenomutt
Size: Medium
Height: 18'
Personality: Meretheus is like the day to Yuumei's night. While he has no qualms as to the mischief his night-walking bond might get into, he'd much rather be hunting down a good meal, a good bed, and perhaps even a good dragon to occupy his time! He's the kind to bicker for the fun of it, and avoids physical fights like the plague. When he
does get into trouble, he is a surprisingly graceful fighter, almost as though he were born to kill...
Cyborware: No cyborware modifications currently available for xenomorphs or xeno-dragons.
Background From: Backgrounds by Marie