Darkling Dawn
Weyr Eriol Eriol Backwards Frenzy Personas
Name: Rafaeli
Gender: Male

Build: Muscular
Skin: Tan
Hair: Brown, to mid-back, loose tail
Eyes: Green

Personality: A man who's on the run - his nervous habit of twitching when someone watches him too closely proves that he does have something to hide.  He's learned how to blend into a crowd, and even his closest friends have trouble finding him if he doesn't want to be found.  If Rafaeli is caught in a normal mood, he is a graceful, passive man with a deft hand at social graces.  He enjoys painting and the finer things in life.

Dragon: Bronze-Blue Moidpith
Dragon: Moidpith
Gender: Male
Color: Bronze-Blue
Size: 31.5 meters (Brown)
Dam: Bronze-Violet-Maroon Mutt Meroclaisen
Sire: Blue Rabth
Personality: Moidpith is rather the opposite; where Rafaeli hides, he goes out in the open and finds the problem.  He is more arrogant and open about his feelings and opinions where Rafaeli is more discreet.  Moidpith's personality is commanding; he usually overshines his rider anyway, and Rafaeli can sneak around behind the bronze-blue.  People will greet Moidpith before Rafaeli naturally, and both are fine with that.
Hatched at: Weyr Eriol Backwards Frenzy (Circle 4)