Brandon and Bryson's Appalachian Trail Adventures
This page was created by Brandon's mom, Cathy, so that you can get information about Brandon and Bryson's journey on the Appalachian Trail as they hike it from Maine to Georgia.

They left their home in Mitchell County N.C. on 10 Jun 2008. Rusty who is the superintendent at Mount Mitchell which is the highest peak east of the Mississippi, drove them to Mt. Katahdin in Maine where they began their quest to hike the entire 2175 miles of the AT from Maine to Springer Mtn in Georgia. The trail goes through:

1.      Maine
2.    New Hampshire
3.    Vermont
4.    Massachusetts
5.    Connecticut
6.    New York
7.    New Jersey
8.    Pennsylvania
9.    Maryland
10. West Virginia
11.  Virginia
12. Tennessee
13. North Carolina
14. Georgia

They began on 13 Jun 2008. As of 8/13/08 (Day 62.. miles covered: 619.6/)they have made it through 3 states and are currently in Mass.
Bryson and Brandon's Happy Trails Party June 2008
About the trail and Bran and Bryson's journey
Trail Section Maps
Mitchell News Journal-Bryson's entries
Cathy's Myspace blogs
Pictures of Bran and Bryson on the Trail
My Info:
Name: Cathy Burleson