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Introduced Spring 1997
Height 109 feet 6 inches
Length 2,700 feet
Top Speed 50 MPH
Number of Trains 2
Capacity 1,400 riders per hour/32 per ride
Colors Black and Gray
Special Features:
Suspended looping coaster with 2 vertical loops (77 feet and 88 feet tall), 2 single corkscrews (each 40 feet long) and a one-of-a-kind heartline spin producing a feeling of weightlessness 
Height Restriction Must be at least 54" tall 
Manufacturer Bolliger & Mabillard
Batman: The Ride has the longest Queue line in the park, even longer than Thunder River and Georgia Scorcher. In 1997 when the ride came out you could of easily stood in line for 3+ hours. Now except on Friday's and weekends this ride is walk on to about a 30 minute wait, which a new change in late season 2003 made it more conveinent for bypassing the warehouse. On Saturdays you can expect the WHOLE warehouse open with eagerly awaiting visiters wanting to ride this attraction.  You could wait for about an hour and a half. However with 700+ riders withen a 30 minute time span the line on some days could not seem as long as the winding everlasting line looks.
The Queue line consists of a walk through wonderfull Gotham City Park then you are lead to the local dranage areas of the city then to a warehouse as you notice the Oil Lines and Gas Lines above. Then you are lead outside to see a police car crashed into a fire hydrant (removed in 2003). Then you are lead upstairs to meet up with the worlds best crime-fighting machine BATMAN: THE RIDE

A new gate has been added next to the fountains to cut down some of the line walk-through, and for the vistors jumping the gate also a new door to avoid the warehouse!
Batman The Ride combines state-of-the-art thrill ride technology with Batman movie magic. Suspended from the track above in skilift-style chairs, riders fly at intense speeds countless times over the outside of hairpin turns, vertical loops, a corkscrew and a one-of-a-kind zero-gravity heartline spin with nothing but air beneath their dangling feet.