walk to nufringen

completely fed up with herrenberg, orange curtains and having absolutely no money, i decided to turn to nature for help.   apparently millions of people 'walk' for the hell of it, so i thought i'd give it a try
actually, the real reason for my spontaneous trek was that i found a 5DM coin under my sofa bed and thought i'd go for a kebab.   then maybe just go for a walk afterwards, seeing as i'm out already.

although i had absolutely no idea where i intended to walk to, i thought it would be sorta cool to go up towards the castle on top of the hill... or what remains of it.   i'd already been there plenty of times though, had a few good memories of times up there so maybe a new direction was needed.
my depression at having absolutely no money until i got paid... (the next day) ... had left me at a seemingly all-time low.
a visit to erol cheered me up no end.   ein kebap ohne zwiebel can do wonders for a lost soul.
originally, i had planned to go for a bit of a walk and find somewhere to finish reading 'the tommyknockers'.   there aren't that many benches in the schönbuch forest.. so i just kept walking.   it was a fairly cool day, after the previous nights snow but i was soon sweating after that not shy schaf kebab.
i had no idea how huge the forest was - and it brought back memories of when i was skydiving.   i can vaguely remember the bloke with whom i was parachuting mentioning that large dark splodge on the horizon being a forest.   it was enormous, and so was this.
which didn't help my nagging mind.. reminding me that i didnt know where i was going
i was quite surprised to see that there was logging going on in the forest.   it may sound quite stupid - it is after all, a forest - but in some ways it really spoilt the scenery.
that's progress for you.
afte walking for what seemed like hours, and was probably closer to ten minutes, thoughts of muddy shoes and low battery power on my minidisc player were replaced by those of mystery, wilderness survival and blair witch-esque films.   this crazy shed like construction (which had a padlock on the rotten door) managed to set my creative mind running for the first time in weeks... brushing away cobwebs and retiring the tired *same-old same-old* phrases.
iain banks has a lot to answer for
for many years during my youth, my parents used to take me to the lake district to go walking around fields.   they thought it was enjoyable.   i thought it was cutting into my watching-telly-time a little too much and complained almost constantly.
but now, thinking about it in a much more mature way, there is a lot of natural beauty in the world which can only be experienced at first hand.
eg. watching btv rave on tv is nowhere near as good as being there in person :)

walking around the wooded paths was very peaceful.   there were very few other people around, and the place was almost totally devoid of litter.
although it is almost to be suspected in germany.   very conchy these gringos.
eventually i emerged the other side of the forest and found myself in nufringen.   after following some old people to the station and then standing around outside a barn for a while watching two cats stalk each other i got the train home.