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OS/2 on a Packard Bell

Here is some interesting info about putting OS/2 on a Packard Bell Computer, I suspect this to be older info, since I don't think OS/2 is "in" anymore.  Does anyone have OS/2 on their system (Do not confuse this with Windows OSR2)? I received this info by email and this is all the information I have about OS/2.

Table of Contents
OS/2 Operating System Not Recognizing IDE CD-ROM Drive 
HT-216 Video Support for OS/2 Warp
OS/2 Warp Installation With IDE CD-ROM
OS/2 For Win (Special Edition) - System Error #49
Headland Video Support
BIOS Upgrade?
CD-ROM Support

OS/2 Operating System Not Recognizing IDE CD-ROM Drive
HT-216 Video Support for OS/2 Warp  

OS/2 Warp Installation With IDE CD-ROM
OS/2 For Win (Special Edition) - System Error #49

Headland Video Support

BIOS Upgrade?
CD-ROM Support
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