Merry Christmas From
Ray's Packard Bell Web Site

Christmas Eve Prayer
Feel free to use with your family's celebration

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit...
Today is a day for celebrating gifts, 
and we celebrate it with gifts. 
But, Lord, help us to remember 
that no gift we receive this season 
can ever be as important 
as those gifts we already possess. 

We thank You for the gift of health,
and we remember and pray for those who are sick.
We thank You for the gifts of home and work,
and we remember and pray for those who are homeless or unemployed.
We thank You for the gift of plentiful food,
here today and every day,
and we remember and pray for those who are hungry.
We thank You for the gift of family,
those here with us today and those who are away,
and for the love of good friends.
We remember and pray for those who are alone.
We thank You for the gifts of Your constant guidance and numerous blessings,
and we remember and pray for those who do not know You.

Most importantly, Lord, we thank You
for the gift of Your Son,
whom You sent to us on this night so long ago.
Help us to remember
that it is for this reason alone
we gather here to celebrate.


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Prayer © Sandra J. Gordon
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