Battlestar Network: Support the Battlestar Galactica revival

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Featured BG Site in December 2000

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what's new

What’s been added, what’s changed, and the BG revival.

Battlestar Galactica returns! Battlestar Galactica returns! Coverage of the new BG project. New article: Reviews of Part 1 and Part 2  of Ron Moore’s script
battlestar galactica concordance The most comprehensive BG concordance anywhere.
interviews Interviews with people connected with BG
articles Miscellaneous articles and information about BGNew article: The Different Versions of the BG Pilot by John Laroque
lost worlds of battlestar galactica Scenes and episodes changed and lost from script to screen, including an extensive series on the premiere. New article: The Lost Second Season
battlestar galactica episodes A brief look at the 17 original episodes of BG and at the unshot scripts.
battlestar galactica reviews Reviews of BG items, including all of the videos and currently-available books.
battlestar galactica web links and web rings BG links and web rings.
BG fiction Original BG fiction.
modozone! My egocentric part of the site. See my photos, read my articles, check out my resume, etc.
book reviews Book reviews currently featuring history and military history and the Endurance saga.
non-bg web links Just what it says: Non-BG links. I have a wide range of interests; check them out.
Site Index Find any specific article or area by using the Site Index.

Model Reviews

Reviews of plastic models New review: The Emhar A7V

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All original material at this site is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. This is an informational fan site: Battlestar Galactica, the characters and images and other related information, are used without intending to infringe the rights of whoever holds or claims to hold the Battlestar Galactica copyrights.

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