No. 305 Polish Squadron General Pictures Gallery


The first target of the squadron, Rotterdam's fuel dumps. (via R. Gretzyngier)

Wellington II Z8339, SM-N, late 1941. (Jerzy B. Cynk Archive)

Lindholme, 29 Mar 1942.
The squadron members forming up before funeral ceremonies for the crew of  F/Lt Ostaszewski. Notice camouflaged buildings of the station.

Lindholme, 29 Mar 1942.
The 305 Wellingtons, SM-A (top) and SM-V (bottom) being bombed up before mission. As some were burying their colleagues (F/O Ostaszewski's crew), others prepared for the mission.

The Wellington SM-M (W5567) was lost over Lubek, shot down by flak the day after Ostaszewski accident. The whole crew bailed out safely and became POWs: F/Lt Pawluk, F/O Jungowski, Sgt Wasinski, Sgt Knipa, Sgt Krawiec and Sgt Skubiszewski. F/Lt Pawluk was one of the escapees executed by the Germans, following the famous break from the notorious Stalag Luft III at Sagan. Below, sergeants of this crew hours before that mission. Notice 20 missions indicated on the vertical stabilizer. See more pictures of the downed aircraft.  HERE.

Left: Ludwik Molata receives Virtuti Militari and promotion from General Sikorski, during his visit in RAF Lindholm on 24 April 1942. Right: 4000 lbs "cookie" which the 305 carried across the channel.

Lindholm 25 April 1942. The mass celebrated during the Squadron Day. The SM-A in front was lost a week later while returning from bombing Hamburg. (via R. Gretzyngier)

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Flight A at RAF Lindholm, summer 1942. Needs info.

S/Ldr Skarzynski (third from right) crew boarding their plane before mission. (via R. Gretzyngier)

Riding "Basia" (girl's name). The crew of Wellington MS495/SM-B: F/O Helwig navigator, F/O Bobinski pilot, Sgt Twardowski wireless operator, Sgt Zarebski and Sgt Zyb gunners. The last three were Polish Canadians who volunteered for service with PAF. Below, another staged pohoto of this crew entering the aircraft.

(via R. Gretzyngier)


Needs info.


Lasham, late 1944. One of the first Mosquitoes received by the unit. (via R. Gretzyngier)

Mosquito's striking power in fours: four 20 mm cannons, four 7,7 mm machine guns and four 500lb bombs. Probably Spring 1944 since no aircraft's individual letter is painted on nits nose.

Flown mostly by Sgt Fras and Sgt Mikolajczak, Mosquito NS972, SM-C. Notice invasion stripes under wings and lower part of the tail. (via R. Gretzyngier)

Lasham, summer 1944. From left: Jan Majer, Kazimierz Konopasek, Tadeusz Czolowski, Boleslaw Orlinski, Jan Lemieszonek, Marian Aduckiewicz, Zugmunt Poplawski, Julian Lugowski and Mieczyslaw Kaluza.
Below, pictures taken during the same photo session, in front of the same aircraft.  (Tomasz Wilczewski archives)

 (Tomasz Wilczewski archives)

The 305 airmen in front of PR VIII version of the Mosquito, used for photo-reconnaissance flights. Thos version carried Merlin engines with two-step chargers for grater altitudes. Needs info

Epinoy, France, probably soon after the war. The CO's aircraft, and its crew: W/Cdr Orlinski and F/O Lemieszonek. (Tomasz Wilczewski archives)

F/Sgt Hass pilot, and F/O Wilczewski navigator. Notice the nose letter "G" painted over on aircraft no. RZ399.
Below the same crew in flight on SM-K. (Tomasz Wilczewski archives)

 (Tomasz Wilczewski archives)

Some ground crew in front of all silver Mosquito. Picture taken most likely at Wahn, near Cologne in 1946.