
» Real Name: annie
» Alias: kearin, tamrin
» Age: 19
» Birthdate: 7/22/86
» Gender: female
» Eye Color: dark brown
» Hair Color: dark brown
» Height: 5' 3"
» Grade: College Sophmore


» Animal: mice
» Anime: gundam wing & kaleido star
» Author: tamora pierce & anne mc'caffrey
» Book: twilight
» Character: chang wufei
» Color: green
» Date: 10/31
» Food: pasta
» Genre: fantasy & sci-fi
» Music: kaleido star - tatoo kiss
» Magic: elemental :: water
» Pairing: heero x duo
» Phobia: bugs (spiders)
» TCGs: my cards

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- » Layout: Soundless-Words
- » Image: Aethereality
- » Brushes: HG & Leiko

Angelic Demons

Welcome to my blog! This is no longer updated regularly and kept more as a collective than a journal. Feel free to browse through! <3

March 7th 2006 » Time for a Change

New layout... Not really a whole lot to say about it considering I didn't design it.

I felt like everything in my lie needed a revamp to correspond with where I feel I am in life. I have the current love of my life and even though we both drive each other nuts on a regular basis, I love him and feel that he loves me. I'm happy and this blog used to contain too many sad memories. I wanted to cheer it up and express my new appreciation of the color pink. Amazing I know.... But the color has grown on me and latched on as tighting as a leetch.

Well, most of the current ongoings in my life are not up for public knowledge outside of aim (My screen name is still demoness kearin the trouble is ctaching me online, I rarely log on anymore but I AM making an effort to change that.)

Not that I really expect anyone to see this.... But I wanted to get my thoughts down and on a surface I can see that won't land in my mother's hands. ^.~

She hasn't discovered the wonders of googling your own name. <3

Anyways, until we meet again. Good Day, Good Luck & Good Bye...

» » » Kearin » » »