How in the world did you end up at my page?!?
Hey ya'll. I orginally built this page when I was in high school. I'm now 20 years old and definitely not where I thought I would be when I was smiling in that picture. I dropped out of college after a year and am very lucky to have a great job. I work as a contractor for Progress Energy Corporation. I travel around Florida and the Carolinas working at power plants. It's crazy how things happen in your life, huh? I got kind of nostalgic reading this page (before I edited it) and thinking about how much I've changed. These days, I would describe myself as a level-headed, hard working girl.
I still love to be with my friends but I don't have as many as I did in high school. Lately, I would say that I have about five really good friends, the kind that will last forever. I've discovered casual dating. Actually, I'm kind of forced into it, since I travel all the time. I've also discovered redneck bars. I love those! I would prefer to hang around old drunks any day of the week. Rednecks think roofies are guys that repair roofs for a living. Much less stress!
I've learned an important lesson as I've grown up in the past few years - there is nothing as important as family. Julia, Alice, Alison, Jacqui, Theresa - thank you for being my friends!  
The best bagpiper EVER!
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