Bedtime "Prayers"

Bedtime prayers are wonderful moments for parents and children to share. There is no reason to avoid this nightly ritual just because you are Pagan. Here are some beautiful alternatives.

Now I lay me down to sleep (Paganized)

Now I lay me down to rest.
I pray that all the world be blest.
God and Goddess shine like a star,
Watch over me from afar.
Mother Earth is always there
And keeps me safe and loved with care.
The Lord of Dreams will dance and sing
And happy dreams He will bring.
And when I wake to greet the day
Their love and guidance will light my way.

Bedtime Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,
The Gods to my life and honor keep.
To guard the clouds and skies of blue,
The oceans, streams, and rivers, too.
Save the depleting rain forest lands,
The praries, shores, and desert sands.
Protect all Earth life, wild and free,
In flight, on land, and in the sea.

Bedtime Prayer #2

The sun is gone
It's time for bed.
Great Gods bless my sleepy head.
The Moon of Peace and Sun of Fire
The Gods bring love as I retire
When the sun begins to rise
The Gods will bless my open eyes

By: Silver Phoenix

Bedtime Prayer #3

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Gods my soul to keep
Great Gods guide me through the night
And protect us all with loving light.

By: Silver Phoenix

Our Parents Prayer

Our Parents who art in Paradise
Hallowed be thy many name
Through ritual and love they presence be known
Here in this life as it will be in Eternity
We thank thee for our daily bread.
And let us be aware of our tresspasses as we
are aware of those who trespass against us
Let us see temptation for what it is
So that we may turn ourselves from evil
For Yous is the energy and the power
tonight and forever.
Merry Meet

Prayer to the Goddess

I know the Laws of Nature are you, Lady.
Keep me mindful that I step upon Your Body,
with your feet,
that my sorrows are Your sorrows,
and that a healthy priest makes all things sound.
I feel Your breath in the wind, and Your hand in mine.
Keep me sincere.
Give me Your work,
which is to be joyous,
and to tend all things, because all things live, of themselves,
and with Your spirit.
Your will through mine, so mote it be.

by Francesca De Grandis

Children's Charges of the God and Goddess

I am the Earth
I am the Moon
I am the Goddess, and I love you
I am your Eternal Mother
Talk to Me
You will see me wispering on the wind
You will see me flowing through the water
You will see me in the beating of your heart
You can remember....

I am the Sun
I am the Stars
I am the God, and I love you
I am your Eternal Father
Talk to Me
You will see me as the Stag in the woods
You will see me in the dancing flame
You will see me in the beating of your heart
You can remember....

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