Come out, come out, wherever you are!

IMPEACH BUSH (and Cheney, and Gonzales)

You know damn well why. If not... here's why:

Steve's page

(click the pic for mp3 of what it sounds like.)

Me, if I lived in South Park.

This geocities site has started to feel, well, a bit too "nineteen ninety four". So, awhile back I started a blog on wordpress, and it seems to suit me a bit better in some ways (not so well in others, I kind of like having a free form website to do whatever the hell I feel like with, however 1994 it might appear) Anyway, here's my new blog.

Word War vi, a side-scrolling '80s shoot'em up style arcade game I wrote.

Some pics of my house.

A few thoughts about religion

Apr 8, 2006: Some notes about cvs, changesets, patches

Mar 10, 2006: Hey, What the FUCK happened to It appears the admin went nuts, or the site got hacked? Here's an snap of from before the admin's mind snapped.

retarget_patch.gz: A small shell script to edit patches and substitute one path for another, useful if you get patches from people who have rearranged your code, or renamed diretories, etc. Gzipped because yahoo didn't like my filename of 'retarget_patch' by itself for some stupid reason. After I've used it for awhile I may try to get it in to Andrew Morton's patch scripts

Some notes about blender

Here is my sourceforge page for gneutronica, a MIDI drum machine program with a gnome/gtk interface that I wrote.

Some notes about the M-audio midisport 2x2 with linux

A rant about Redhat's lack of man pages.

Some MIDI/audio programming stuff I've been working on.

Concise AW4416 instructions

Some art I've been working on

Some instructions for building bookcases

Back in 1982, my Dad, my brother and I invented a board game, and we used to play it now and then. Lately I've been toying with the idea of resurrecting it, it was pretty cool. Here is that game.

Note: These patches are probably obsolete for your purposes. They were put here originally as a snapshot prior to getting them into the kernel.


This is a utility to create and maintain symbolic links mapping a predictable set of names to the rather unpredictiable names used by linux for disk devices.

For example, you might map:

/dev/mydisk1 -> /dev/sda1
/dev/mydisk2 -> /dev/sdb1
/dev/mydisk3 -> /dev/sdc1
If you removed the disk corresponding to /dev/sdb1, then on reboot, /dev/sdc1 will become /dev/sdb1, and /dev/sdc1 will be gone. and your fstab will be wrong, etc. (Especially problematic on a SAN).

scsimap will maintain the mapping so that after the reboot, /dev/mydisk3 -> will point to /dev/sdb1 and /dev/mydisk2 will be gone. scsimap also handles later generation Compaq array controllers (those which use the cciss driver.)

I should probably move this onto sourceforge.

Here it is:

scsimap-0.98b.tar.gz (Mar 8, 2006)



Distributed under the GNU GPL v. 2, or later, at your option. Originally based on code from the sg_utils package.

-- steve (

Here are a couple versions of pics of a comet taken by a friend in Big Bend a few years ago: comet.jpg and comet2.jpg.

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