Babies all over the world, beware! K+ is out and HUNGRY. She likes red haired babies the best. And if you havnt gotten the message yet... she EATS babies! We are very regretful to notify you all of this. ALSO! ADULTS beware. If provoked she can imagine you as a baby... and she will then eat you. Sometimes she finds your feet a bit smelly and she will leave the feet but eat everything else. I ask you now... what good are feet when there is nothing for them to hold up. THATS RIGHT! They have no use... so beware. and watch out for *spooky duhn duhn duhn noise*
This poor baby, below, was a victim of the baby eater. and he had smelly feet...
Another one of K+'s horrible habits are... dust bunny eating. And not those big ugly dust bunnies under your couch... the cute cuddly kind from the Big Comfy Couch.
The pictures below are just a few of the victims.
But Katie isn't alone in this horrible act, she has a sidekick. his name is... well his name is unknown. but we have a picture of him which is painted onto a garbage can as a WANTED sign. one of his most recent crimes (other then dust bunny muching) is eating a girl. her name was jessica. and well we all know he works for Kt, so one must ask the question... why would this monkey eat a girl named jessica. the answer? Jessica... is K+'s sister. what a horrible horrible act. If you have seen the monkey sidekick, baby remains, or K+, please call 1-800-K+ISONTHELOOSE, that's 1-800-K+ISONTHELOOSE
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