Welcome to My Optical Illusions Site.
I have always been fascinated by optical illusions and thought that I would share some favorites with you. Relax your eyes and enjoy all 8 pages!
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vase The vase pictured on the left was made as a gift for Elizabeth II, Queen of England, and her husband, Prince Philip for the celebration of their Silver Jubilee in 1977. Try to see if you can perceive both of their profiles.
Lady/Hag In this famous illustration the figure of an old woman and a young woman is present.
flowers/profiles There are at least six known profiles in this picture. How many can you find? Can you name them? (I will post the answers on the "answers page" as I find them.)
Old man/Young manThis is similar to the "young lady and the old woman" above. Do you see the young man or the old man?

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Here is a really neat optical illusion that Nate asked for in the guestbook. Definately worth seeing funkypages.com
Need more optical illusions? Here's a great page of them: Sandlot Ambiguous Illusions

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