Kathy's Scrapbooking

I've recently taken up yet another hobby, scrapbooking. I'm still very new to it, so my pages may not be real creative, but I'm enjoying the experience of experimenting with different media. I've tried different types of layouts as well as scrapbooking programs on the computer. I've found that I really do like the manual scrapping better, but still find great uses for my computer in the design of pages (please excuse the darkness of the pictures; my scanner scans darker than originals).
I've found some wonderful sites that have helped me. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

My favorite scrapbooking sites:
Paper Adventures This site has wonderful designs that you can print out and use to make the finished product. By far my favorite scrapping site! (I got the "Cute as a bug" idea from this site for my page)
Eframes Print out some great frames for your pics. (I used one of them on my "Dog Days" page)
The Little Pillow Too good to be true! Check out the printouts they offer FREE! You won't be sorry!
Scrapper's Forum Great resource to share info with fellow scrappers

Girl Scout