Smithfield, Nova Scotia is located between Caledonia and Glenelg on Routh 348.  It was orginally settled by Scottish and Northern Irish people.
The principal industries are lumbering, pulp and farming.
Page 2
Page 3
History of Smithfield
Glencross Family
Page 5
Samuel & Marg. Glencross MacKeen
Page 7
Daughter of Samuel & Marg.Glencross Cumminger
Page 8
Page 9 David & Margaret(Smith)Glencross
George & Jane (Ettinger) MacIntosh
Page 12
Susannah MacIntosh & AbramFraser's
Family & Descendants
Page 14
GeorgeBrown& Jane(MacDonald) MacIntosh
Page 18
Old school students & cemeteries
Page 19
Page 20 The Demmons Family
Caledonia Ministers
Page 21
Footbridge (now gone) Pool 1947  nearGlencross Cemetery
Ray Jordan Photo
Lower Caledonia Church
Elma Perry Photo
Barn  of Sandy Morrison (Blacksmith)             Photo by Ray Jordan