Tom Smith's Site Map

Last Update: August 21, 2005

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Tom Smith's Home - Site Map

I am always looking for quality sites which provide useful reference material for Christians. I have provided a collection of such sites in my Library and Bookstore. Where I find documents or information available free on the web that I believe are of value, I provide it on this page. If I believe that there are books which are of value, I will feature them in the appriopriate section. The boosk are typically discounted through our association with

The bookstore provides information under the following categories:

Science and Creation

On this page, I attempt to provide some interest pieces of information about scientific findings that may point to the Biblical account of creation, or at least provide challenges to the Big bang and evolutionary theories. And with all the scientific findings coming into the open, challenges to these theories are not hard to find.

I am not attempting to re-create sites which have been done so well by others in arguing Biblical creation vs evolution, but rather trying to provide some interesting snippets of information that provide some scientific insight to help shed more light to the positions that these sites take.

I have spent much time looking into what is happening into the church today, and by means of this page attempt to help provide some of this information to you. A summary of the background to this movement is found in the document that I have written, and to which a link is provided below, titles "Background to Holy Laughter". I also am constantly looking at other sites which provide quality infor4mation on this movement, and attempt to provide you with the best of what is available on the web so that you can be well informed.

Background to Holy Laughter

As indicated above, this is a summary of findings that we have done into this movement, both from a historical and from a doctrinal perspective. We also provide a list of sopurces to help empower readers to do their own research and thus come to their own conclusions about the source of this movement.

Transformations or Deception?

An investigation into the reality of the claims made in the "Transformations" video release by George Otis Jr. and the Sentinel Group.

How Do We Discern the True from the Counterfeit?

A Guide to Testing the Spirits

This is a simple guide and reference document based upon scripture intended to assist in determining whether a prophet, a prophecy, or a spirit is of God or not. This does not replace the need to have a good understanding of scripture but is intended to help point you to the relevant portions of scripture.

Christian Alerts

As I come across things where some specifc action may be important, or higher profile needs to be given to an issue, I try to put some information on this page. It may not get updated frequently, because my intent to reserve this for special alerts rather than a catalogue of issues.

Ham Radio Page

Another interest of mine, ham radio and electronics.

Virus Information

Links to authoritative databases which provide information on real viruses and virus hoaxes to help protect your computer, and provide some peace of mind.


After taking some time to see what we have available, please take some time to read comments that others have left, or add your own comments.

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