10th Anniversary Tournament

10th Anniversary Tournament Standings

Hi all, we had a great turnout on the PAL side, but I am really dissapointed for the NTSC side, 3 players :( The only good thing I see in that is that the top three players participated. PAL had some good battles, and had some close times, I had fun calculating the results. I hope everyone had fun, and enjoyed themselves. Scroll down to see who the PAL and NTSC Champions are! See you August 27th 2003, for the "2nd Annual Tournament" ;)

-Stanley Jeram

PAL Table:

MC1 1 1:01.51 Cetin
  2 1:01.70 Jongerius
  3 1:02.46 Lefevre
  4 1:02.56 Roodhorst
  5 1:02.70 Cruypenninck
  6 1:03.52 Braun
  7 1:07.04 Galasso
  8 1:07.38 Groels
  9 1:08.11 Zappara
DP1 1 1:17.33 Jongerius
  2 1:17.80 Cetin
  3 1:21.68 Cruypenninck
  4 1:21.80 Roodhorst
  5 1:22.04 Lefevre
  6 1:22.62 Braun
  7 1:27.69 Galasso
  8 1:29.31 Zappara
  9 1:31.24 Groels
GV1 1 1:07.54 Cetin
  2 1:08.15 Jongerius
  3 1:08.19 Roodhorst
  4 1:08.99 Braun
  5 1:11.46 Groels
  6 1:11.93 Cruypenninck
  7 1:12.15 Lefevre
  8 1:14.34 Zappara
  9 1:14.96 Galasso
BC1 1 1:31.22 Cetin
  2 1:31.99 Jongerius
  3 1:32.71 Lefevre
  4 1:35.55 Braun
  5 1:45.88 Roodhorst
  6 1:46.62 Zappara
  7 1:51.73 Groels
  8 1:58.18 Cruypenninck
  9 1:59.26 Galasso
MC2 1 1:18.00 Jongerius
  2 1:19.91 Cetin
  3 1:22.10 Braun
  4 1:22.94 Roodhorst
  5 1:25.06 Zappara
  6 1:26.08 Cruypenninck
  7 1:29.31 Groels
  8 1:31.26 Lefevre
  9 1:37.56 Galasso
CI1 1 1:01.31 Cetin
  2 1:02.24 Jongerius
  3 1:03.20 Braun
  4 1:05.88 Roodhorst
  5 1:08.43 Zappara
  6 1:09.43 Cruypenninck
  7 1:10.14 Lefevre
  8 1:14.54 Galasso
  9 1:18.08 Groels
GV2 1 1:02.82 Cetin
  2 1:02.98 Jongerius
  3 1:04.09 Lefevre
  4 1:04.85 Roodhorst
  5 1:09.37 Braun
  6 1:09.43 Cruypenninck
  7 1:10.48 Galasso
  8 1:12.69 Zappara
  9 1:31.95 Groels
DP2 1 1:28.97 Jongerius
  2 1:30.96 Cetin
  3 1:31.79 Roodhorst
  4 1:34.60 Lefevre
  5 1:34.74 Groels
  6 1:40.15 Cruypenninck
  7 1:45.82 Zappara
  8 1:46.26 Braun
  9 1:51.87 Galasso
BC2 1 1:49.86 Braun
  2 1:52.33 Cetin
  3 1:56.79 Roodhorst
  4 1:57.44 Jongerius
  5 1:58.84 Lefevre
  6 2:02.70 Groels
  7 2:03.41 Zappara
  8 2:12.71 Cruypenninck
  9 2:26.42 Galasso
MC3 1 1:33.62 Jongerius
  2 1:33.84 Cetin
  3 1:35.95 Roodhorst
  4 1:36.07 Braun
  5 1:36.91 Lefevre
  6 1:43.42 Zappara
  7 1:43.55 Cruypenninck
  8 1:46.32 Galasso
  9 2:01.76 Groels
KB1 1 0:59.97 Jongerius
  2 1:00.23 Cetin
  3 1:00.97 Galasso
  4 1:01.61 Roodhorst
  5 1:01.96 Lefevre
  6 1:06.50 Braun
  7 1:07.40 Groels
  8 1:08.71 Cruypenninck
  9 1:13.82 Zappara
CI2 1 1:14.56 Cetin
  2 1:15.73 Roodhorst
  3 1:16.15 Jongerius
  4 1:22.88 Lefevre
  5 1:23.93 Braun
  6 1:25.57 Zappara
  7 1:29.09 Galasso
  8 1:31.22 Cruypenninck
  9 1:35.93 Groels
VL1 1 1:03.30 Cetin
  2 1:04.59 Lefevre
  3 1:06.60 Roodhorst
  4 1:06.66 Braun
  5 1:07.67 Galasso
  6 1:08.29 Jongerius
  7 1:12.53 Zappara
  8 1:14.04 Cruypenninck
  9 1:20.47 Groels
BC3 1 1:45.52 Braun
  2 1:52.09 Zappara
  3 1:53.33 Lefevre
  4 1:58.30 Cetin
  5 1:59.55 Cruypenninck
  6 1:59.79 Roodhorst
  7 2:01.01 Jongerius
  8 2:03.63 Galasso
  9 2:11.95 Groels
MC4 1 1:41.01 Jongerius
  2 1:41.80 Cetin
  3 1:46.78 Braun
  4 1:48.55 Roodhorst
  5 1:49.07 Lefevre
  6 1:56.23 Zappara
  7 1:57.98 Cruypenninck
  8 2:06.60 Galasso
  9 2:09.76 Groels
DP3 1 1:21.35 Cetin
  2 1:22.70 Roodhorst
  3 1:27.87 Jongerius
  4 1:31.73 Cruypenninck
  5 1:34.08 Lefevre
  6 1:37.41 Braun
  7 1:39.89 Galasso
  8 1:43.93 Zappara
  9 1:56.61 Groels
KB2 1 1:04.65 Cetin
  2 1:04.99 Braun
  3 1:07.67 Roodhorst
  4 1:11.00 Jongerius
  5 1:11.16 Lefevre
  6 1:12.03 Cruypenninck
  7 1:14.14 Galasso
  8 1:17.57 Zappara
  9 1:23.26 Groels
GV3 1 1:17.88 Jongerius
  2 1:19.40 Cetin
  3 1:30.98 Roodhorst
  4 1:45.48 Zappara
  5 1:46.06 Groels
  6 1:47.30 Galasso
  7 1:51.91 Cruypenninck
  8 1:55.24 Lefevre
  9 2:26.06 Braun
VL2 1 0:53.80 Jongerius
  2 0:59.77 Cetin
  3 1:06.00 Roodhorst
  4 1:08.17 Lefevre
  5 1:10.52 Galasso
  6 1:15.65 Zappara
  7 1:15.67 Braun
  8 1:25.33 Cruypenninck
  9 1:28.95 Groels
RR 1 1:28.51 Cetin
  2 1:29.94 Jongerius
  3 1:31.95 Braun
  4 1:37.07 Roodhorst
  5 1:40.75 Cruypenninck
  6 1:51.32 Zappara
  7 1:52.61 Lefevre
  8 2:26.04 Groels
  9 2:33.84 Galasso

PAL Results:

Place Name Score AVG FIN
1st Sami Cetin 32 1.60
2nd Michael Jongerius 47 2.35
3rd Gerard Roodhorst 71 3.55
4th Raphael Braun 90 4.50
5th Archibald Lefevre 98 4.90
6th Matthieu Cruypenninck 127 6.35
7th Lola Zappara 131 6.55
8th Paolo Galasso 147 7.35
9th Mike Groels 157 7.85

NTSC Table:

MC1 1 1:00.73 Jeram
  2 1:00.97 White
  3 1:02.43 Laflamme
DP1 1 1:17.95 White
  2 1:18.33 Laflamme
  3 1:22.90 Jeram
GV1 1 1:06.21 Jeram
  2 1:06.51 Laflamme
  3 1:06.58 White
BC1 1 1:31.08 White
  2 1:33.19 Jeram
  3 1:41.89 Laflamme
MC2 1 1:18.48 White
  2 1:23.48 Laflamme
  3 1:33.80 Jeram
CI1 1 1:01.27 Jeram
  2 1:02.66 White
  3 1:06.83 Laflamme
GV2 1 1:02.21 White
  2 1:02.28 Laflamme
  3 1:05.90 Jeram
DP2 1 1:27.54 Laflamme
  2 1:27.64 White
  3 1:39.74 Jeram
BC2 1 1:43.00 White
  2 1:51.56 Jeram
  3 1:54.70 Laflamme
MC3 1 1:34.00 White
  2 1:36.01 Laflamme
  3 1:40.26 Jeram
KB1 1 0:59.76 White
  2 1:00.17 Jeram
  3 1:01.46 Laflamme
CI2 1 1:08.89 White
  2 1:10.64 Laflamme
  3 1:19.69 Jeram
VL1 1 0:53.15 White
  2 0:56.42 Laflamme
  3 0:56.82 Jeram
BC3 1 1:39.86 White
  2 1:43.31 Laflamme
  3 1:57.77 Jeram
MC4 1 1:40.08 White
  2 1:42.35 Laflamme
  3 1:47.96 Jeram
DP3 1 1:26.22 Laflamme
  2 1:27.53 White
  3 1:31.69 Jeram
KB2 1 1:00.20 Laflamme
  2 1:01.17 White
  3 1:11.71 Jeram
GV3 1 1:20.79 Laflamme
  2 1:21.75 Jeram
  3 1:37.50 White
VL2 1 0:52.45 White
  2 1:03.11 Laflamme
  3 1:09.50 Jeram
RR 1 1:26.90 White
  2 1:31.26 Laflamme
  3 1:33.25 Jeram

NTSC Results:

Place Name Score AVG FIN
1st Jamie White 29 1.45
2nd Simon Laflamme 41 2.05
3rd Stanley Jeram 50 2.50