An adjective is a describing word. It describes, or provides us with more information about a noun(naming word). There are several different types of adjectives. 

·          Descriptive adjectives, for example a yellow coat.

·          Numerical adjectives, for example six goats, tenth birthday.

·          Adjectives that describe quantity, for example much noise, no milk.

·          Distinguishing adjectives point out a person or thing, for example the dog, this table, those girls.

·          Possessive adjectives, for example my house, your bicycle.

·          Proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns, for example Australian from Australia.


1.Choose an adjective from the box that can be used to describe the things below.


                    I.      Food that decays quickly                =________________.

                 II.      The sky on a sunny day                  =________________.

               III.      Something extremely tasty             =________________.

                IV.      A person who likes to argue           =________________.

                  V.      A plant that is undersized                =________________.

                VI.      A substance that will kill                =________________.

             VII.      A sheet of glass that breaks easily  =________________.

           VIII.      A chair that is good to sit on           =________________.

                IX.      A mission that is very dangerous   =________________.

                  X.      A round shape                              =________________.

Comfortable           perilous                 fragile          stunted             azure

Delicious                perishable             poisonous     quarrelsome    circular

2.Replace each underlined adjective with one of similar meaning from the box.










                I.      Bananas are plentiful this year.                 

              II.      Jimmy is a very foolish person at times.

           III.      She is the most arrogant person.

            IV.      Aguilera’s calculations were correct.

               V.      Mark is a very cautious person.

            VI.      What a polite student Mariah is.

          VII.      These old relics are invaluable.

       VIII.      These old eggs are now quite rotten. 

3.Use your dictionaries to check out the meaning of these adjectives.

Tranquil            dubious                    avaricious                      invincible

Robust              youthful                   melancholy                    valiant