Institute of Engineering • Central Campus • Lalitpur,Nepal

                    Phone 977-01-5523572 • E-mail:


Sachin Man Shrestha

PERSONAL DETAILS                                                                                                                                                              




§         Name:- Sachin Man Shrestha

§         Sex:- Male

§         Father`s Name:- Bazir Man Shrestha

§         Permanent Address:- 4-41,Bharatpur, Chitwan, Nepal

§          Temporary Address:- New Hostel, IOE, Pulchowk Campus

§          D.O.B:- 1979-02-14

§          Nationality:- Nepali





§         S. L. C.   1995   First Division

o        Small Haven English B. School, Narayangarh, Chitwan, Nepal

§         I. Sc.  1997    Second Division

o       Siddhartha Vanasthali Science Campus, Kathmandu , Nepal

§          B.E.   2003    First Division  77%(Approx)

o       Civil Engineering

o       Institute of Engineering ,Central Campus,Pulchowk


Awards/ Schlorships received                                                                                    



§          “Scholarship by I.O.E, Pulchowk Campus” Partial Scholarship provided by I.O.E to study 4years B.E.

§          “T.U Stipend and /or Free ship” In almost all semester of B.E. given by T.U to the top 25 % regular student of each faculty of Pulchowk Campus.


Programming Skills On                                                                                                    



§          Visual basic

§          Fortran 77



§          AutoCAD, computer use in design (48 Hours):- Conducted By Continuing Education Division, Institute of engineering, Pulchowk Campus.

§          VISUAL BASIC Programming (45 hours):-Conducted by Research and Training Unit, Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus.


Projects Done                                                                                                                      



§          Design of Suspended Bridge(Theoretical project on trail Suspended Bridge -B.E. 4th year mini assignment Project)

§          Bagarkot-Bhageswor(Dadeldhura District) Green Road Project By GTZ- Final Year Project(B.E Civil)

Electives Taken  (B.E Final Year)                                                                                



§          Trail Suspension Bridge

§          Advance Transportation Planning and Engineering




§          Nepali

§          English

§          Hindi





§          Painting, Computer, Traveling, sports etc





§          Resham Lal Shrestha, Principal of Small Haven En. B. School

§          K.P.Pradhan, Campus Chief of Siddhartha Vanasthali Science Campus

§          Mukunda Neupane ,Head of Department of Civil Engineering

§          Rajendra Kumar Joshi, Chief of  Continuing Education Division, IOE

§          Dr.Indra Raj Humagain RTU Chief, Civil Engineering Department


Places Visited                                                                                                                       



§          Nepal:- Dharan ,Bheratar, Biratnagar, Birjung, Hetuda, Butwal, Nepaljung, Dadeldhura, Mahendranagar.

§          India:- Banaras, Calcutta, Chhnai, Banglore, Goa, Maysor, Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Simla, Nainital, Darjalling.





§          Almost general knowledge on Office, FrontPage, HTML, SAP90 etc.



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