Hey-o! Crescent Moon is back. Now, I think that I should explain soon 
why I won’t be having many stories out after summer is done. Did I 
explain this in any other story? Oh well, see, it’s still the summer 
when I’m writing this, but once school starts for me, which is in three 
weeks from now- it’s the 10th of August right now, I won’t have much 
time to write, especially if I make the Freshman Volleyball team. You 
can expect a lot of stories around Christmas time, in the middle of 
February, around Easter, and, of course, next summer break. The same 
thing with Aquamarine Angel, one of my best friends. We’ll be in 9th 
grade next year, and that will be our first year at the high school. 
Since Aquamarine Angel hardly sends in anything now, expect maybe a 
chapter every two months. (For those of you who haven’t guessed, I’m 
taunting her into writing more often, instead of reading or being bored. 
;@P) So, this is the seventh chapter of The New Sailor Moon, or whatever 
it’s called. I keep forgetting the name. Here ya go: 

The New Sailor Moon: Episode Seven 

Andrew went along with Serena for awhile before stopping her. “Why’d we 
leave them alone?” he asked. They sat on a nearby bench. 
“Raye’s got a crush on Darien, so I figured we should give them a 
chance to see if they can make something happen! I love playing 
matchmaker!” Serena squealed. 
“What about you? Wasn’t this your idea?” 
“Sort of, but I like Darien as friend, and same with you (Serena had 
gotten over her crush on Andrew, once she had discovered Tuxedo Mask), 
but you guys are older, so I figured something like this would let us 
spend time together as friends.” 
“That’s cool. Let’s walk back really slowly, so we can spy on them.” 
Andrew had a mischievous look on his face. 
The two walked slowly back to the spot where they had left Darien and 
Raye. They found the two just talking, standing as far apart as they 
could on the sidewalk. Serena was puzzled by this. Raye also seemed a 
little pale. Darien was staring at the ground. 
“Raye? Are you okay? Are you sick or something?” Serena was concerned 
at her friend’s paleness. 
“I’m feeling a bit sick. Can we go?” Raye asked, with pleading eyes. 
“Uh, sure. Andrew, Darien, do you mind?” 
“No. If Raye’s sick, I’d think it’d be best for her to get some rest,” 
said Darien. Andrew nodded his agreement. 
“Maybe we can get together some other time. See ya!” Serena called as 
they headed for Raye’s temple. Raye visibly got better as they left the 
two boys behind. Finally, they reached Raye’s temple. 
“Call Amy. We need her for something,” Raye said immediately. Luna had 
followed them and rushed to get Amy from computer class, since she 
wouldn’t be able answer he communicator there. 
“Raye, why’d you get all pale and seem sick?” asked Serena. 
“I’ll tell you when Amy gets here. It’s hard enough to understand it 
myself. I think I can only handle to explain once.” Raye sighed. 
Ten minutes later, Amy and Luna joined Serena and Raye. Raye sank down 
onto her bed. 
“You guys aren’t going to believe this, so I’ll just say it. Darien is 
the Earth Prince.” She sighed. Amy and Luna looked at Raye quizzically. 
Serena stared off into space. 
“Darien’s the Earth Prince??? Not possible......” Serena trailed off, 
not finishing the rest of her thoughts as she zoned out. 
“Are you sure Raye?” asked Amy. 
“I’m pretty sure. I used my priestess training, because I was getting 
strange vibes from him. His vibes are very close to what Serena gives 
off, only more harsh. Serena’s vibes are, happy. Amy, yours are 
intelligent, and Luna, yours are authoritive. I checked out Darien’s 
vibes closely, and the ones closest to his heart and his mind were very 
old. It was, like, he was searching for something.” 
“Raye, do you think that you could check Darien out again? Just to be 
sure?” Luna persisted. 
“Yeah. I’ll have to, to be sure of myself, so I don’t feel stupid.” 
Raye looked at Serena. “Meatball Head. Wake up!” she called. 
“Huh? Sorry Raye. I have a question. What about Earth Knight, or, uh, 
what was his other name? Oh yeah, Tuxedo Mask. What about him? Is he one 
of us? Is he, like, a protector of the Earth Prince?” 
“I don’t know. I’ll check him out if I see him. Who is he anyway?” Raye 
looked to Luna. 
“Tuxedo Mask is another fighter. He’s shown up three times so far. 
Twice when it was just Sailor Moon, and once when we first found 
Mercury.” Luna explained. 
“It’s getting late. I should be going home,” said Amy. 
“Yeah. I’ll see you guys later!” Serena called as she left, with Luna 
on her heels. Amy left shortly afterward. Raye sighed, then went to bed, 
for she had to do work at the temple tomorrow. 

~The next evening~ 
Serena headed for the arcade, hoping that she would be able to try out 
that new game. Luna followed her, but didn’t come in, since animals 
weren’t allowed. She saw that the line was as long as it was on 
Saturday, maybe longer. Andrew was nowhere to seen. She noticed that 
when people stopped playing, they’d walk a few steps, then fall over as 
something that was black left their bodies. Then they would get up and 
wander away like they were sleep walking. 
“Oh no! That game must be from the Negaverse!” Serena said to herself. 
She took out her communicator. “Amy! Raye! I need your help at the 
arcade. That new game is making people drop like flies!” she said as her 
friends’ heads appeared. 
“We’ll be there when we can,” both said. Serena sighed. She ducked 
behind the Sailor V game. “Moon Prism Power!” she whispered, holding up 
her hand. Sailor Moon stood up and headed for the front of the line. 
“Hold it! You people can’t play this game any more! It’s dangerous to 
your health!” She shouted at them, stepping in front of the first 
person. She saw that the people’s eyes were glowing an ugly black-purple 
color. Jadeite appeared. 
“Sailor Moon. So, you’re here without your wimpy scouts. No matter, I 
can kill you before they get here.” He launched an attack at her. She 
dodged and countered with a jump kick to his mid-section. He doubled 
over, and slowly fell to the ground. 
“Gamester! Come forth! Drain these people!” The game dissolved, leaving 
an odd looking monster behind. The people in line fell over, as the 
black stuff left them and headed for the monster. It headed for Sailor 
Moon, who was in the middle of dodging more of Jadeite’s attacks. A rose 
was thrown in the path of the monster. Tuxedo Mask was there, on top of 
one of the games. “You’re not going to get away with this. Give the 
people their energy back!” he shouted at Gamester. Gamester headed for 
Tuxedo Mask. 
“Mars Fire Ignite!” Mars and Mercury were standing in the doorway. Mars 
attack hit it in surprise. 
“Mercury Bubbles Blast!” shouted Mercury. The bubbles surround Gamester 
and Tuxedo Mask. 
“I call upon the power of Mars...Fireballs....Charge!” Mars yelled, 
using a scroll to paralyze the monster. Mercury started typing 
frantically on her computer. Tuxedo Mask went to help Sailor Moon, who 
was fighting an unfair battle against Jadeite. Mars concentrated on 
Tuxedo Mask. 
“Mercury, I can’t examine Tuxedo Mask’s vibes! I think something’s 
protecting him from my check.” Mars whispered. 
“I know. I tried to scan him too. Right now I’m trying to see if we can 
stop both the monster and Jadeite.” Mercury continued to tap on the 
keyboard. Gamester was starting to break free of the Mars’ scroll. 
“Quick! Let’s go fight Jadeite and let Sailor Moon take care of big and 
ugly over there,” Mars said. 
“Sailor Moon! Change places!” called Mercury. The two scouts and Sailor 
Moon switched positions, and Sailor Moon called on her tiara. 
“Moon Tiara Magic!” she shouted, sending her tiara at the monster. It 
hit dead on, and the monster was dust. 
“Jadeite, it’s your turn to be dust!” Sailor Moon shouted, turning back 
to the general. Tuxedo Mask had left while she had destroyed Gamester. 
The general just stared, surprised that they had so easily beaten his 
monster. Mars was intent on checking Jadeite. Mercury was intently using 
her computer as Mars asked her something. Mercury nodded. 
“I call upon the power of Mars.......Fireballs......Charge!” Jadeite 
was frozen in place by her scroll. 
“Sailor Moon! Can you heal him or something?” Mercury called, but 
Sailor Moon didn’t hear. 
“Moon Tiara Magic!” Sailor Moon called out, sending her tiara out 
again. Mars shouted something and tried to stop it, but she missed. 
Sailor Moon stared at Mars. The tiara, still going, hit Jadeite, but 
instead of destroying him, he changed. Black stuff floated out from his 
body. His clothes changed from gray to a dark, almost black, red with 
the red trimming still there. His forehead glowed red, black, and 
silver, showing a symbol that had a circle divided into four parts. 
Finally, the new Jadeite collapsed. 
“Oh my gawd! What happened to him?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?” Sailor Moon 
“Stop squawking. You turned him back to his original form.” Luna came 
out from beneath a chair. “Everyone, this is General Jadeite, third in 
command of the Earth Prince’s Royal Guard. Just as you three guard the 
Moon Princess. Mars, you are third in command of the scouts. Meet your 
other half.” Luna smiled as Mars almost fainted. Jadeite soon woke up. 
“Unhhh. What happened?” he asked sleepily. Mars walked up to him, and 
helped him stand. 
“Lady Mars! What- I mean- Why are you here?” Jadeite was clearly 
“Jadeite, this is Earth, in the 1990’s. I think you need a class to 
lead into this century.” Mars smiled at him. ‘For an ex-evil general, 
he’s pretty cute!’ 
“Oh. Sure. Oh, forgive me Lady Mercury. I didn’t see you there.” He 
bowed low to an embarrassed Mercury. Mars laughed at Mercury. “Who is 
your blonde companion?” he asked. 
“I’m Sailor Moon. The cat is Luna.” Sailor Moon explained. 
“Sailor Moon? I don’t remember a scout of the Moon well. Luna. I can 
remember the Prince speaking of you. What exactly happened?” Jadeite 
pleaded through his eyes to Luna. 
“You were kidnapped by the Negaverse somehow, and you were brainwashed 
and made evil. Sailor Moon healed you, miraculously, with her tiara. 
That’s when you woke up,” Luna said, walking over to Sailor Moon, who 
picked her up. 
“Well, anyhow, we should get out of here, before these people wake up. 
C’mon,” Sailor Moon said, helping Jadeite walk on one side. Mars took 
the other side, with Mercury following, making sure he didn’t fall over. 
They headed to an alley. The scouts de-transformed. 
“Okay, Jadeite, you have to learn our names now. I’m Raye, Amy is 
Mercury, and Serena is Sailor Moon. We have to get you a new name. 
Jadeite isn’t popular,” Raye said, taking command. 
“Your names are not unlike you past names. I had a different name, 
besides Jadeite, but it wasn’t to be used, seeing as how we are all 
supposed to have mineral names.” Jadeite closed his eyes and thought. 
“My name was Jeffery of Jadeite. Jadeite was the small, sort of, 
kingdom-like lands my family lived on.” 
“Okay. You’re Jeff.” 
“Who’s ‘we’?” asked Amy. 
“‘We’ is the other guards and I.” 
“Do you know who the Prince and Princess are?” asked Luna. 
“No. I’m sorry. I know what the Prince looks like, but now, with you 
two, Amy and Raye, looking so much different than in the past, I 
couldn’t tell you. I’m sorry.” Jadeite bowed his head. Then he grinned 
at Serena. 
“Now, Serena, you need to tell me who you were in the past, seeing as 
how this isn’t the Silver Millennium anymore.” 
“Silver Millennium?!?!?!?!? That’s not a time! It’s a story!” Serena 
exclaimed. She looked at her watch. “Guys? We need to get going. It’s 
almost 9 o’clock. Raye, can you take Jadeite to your place and get him 
some other clothes? Those aren’t exactly appropriate for this time. 
C’mon Luna. We’ll see you later.” Serena left Amy and Raye to deal with 
Jadeite. She had too much on her mind right now. 
Back in the alley, Raye and Amy helped Jadeite walk for awhile, until 
he was sure he could walk by himself. Amy turned off a few blocks later. 
Jadeite looked at a billboard. 
“Raye? Is that how I’m supposed to dress?” he asked. The billboard was 
an advertisement for some big fashion company. 
“Basically, yes. Why do you ask, Jeff?” Raye looked at him, wondering 
what he was doing. Jadeite- I mean, Jeffery closed his eyes, and soon he 
was wearing what the man on the billboard was, but a bit more casual. 
“Very cool, Jeff. Let’s go. I’m sure my Grandpa won’t mind you staying 
at the temple, if you don’t mind helping out with some of the chores.” 
“No problem. I can use my magic without transforming, so I’ll get some 
things done quickly.” Jeff grinned a grin. It was the same one that he 
had smiled at Serena. Raye had a feeling that she was going to like this 
guy. She also got a feeling that he liked to have fun. They reached the 
temple to discover that Raye’s grandpa had gone on a vacation for awhile 
to visit with his sister. Raye remembered that she was supposed to be 
home earlier. ‘Oops.’ she thought. ‘Oh well, Grandpa will be glad I have 
help.’ She showed Jeff a room that he could stay in. Then she left him 
to fix it up and do whatever. 

Well? Longest one yet, huh? Oh well. Like my ideas? I decided that since 
the generals are brainwashed they won’t remember what happened after the 
Silver Millennium. See ya! 

-Crescent Moon 

    Source: geocities.com/smtradingcardcollector/fanfic

               ( geocities.com/smtradingcardcollector)