Hi, I’m back! I got a great idea!!!!! All by myself, can you believe it! 
Well, okay, maybe not. Hespa2000 has e-mailed with an idea. Thank you so 
much!!! I will use it, because it is a good idea!!!! Thank you, thank 
you, thank you, thank you!!!!! Sorry it’s taken so long. I needed to get 
a book on gems and minerals. Anyway, this is the sixth part of The Final 
Scout. Anyone have any guesses with what happens? Guess what? I don’t 
know either!! 

The Final Scout: Chapter Six 

School went by really quickly that day. After school, they all met up 
as they headed home. Amy and Lita had to cancel on hanging out at the 
temple that afternoon. Amy, because she and her mom were going to out to 
dinner for her mom’s birthday, and Lita because her friend Ken was sick. 
They split off from the group at their respective streets. 
“Well, should just the three of us go somewhere? Or do you have to work 
Raye?” asked Mina. 
“Chad has to do my chores all this week, now, since he didn’t do his 
chores the past two days. I’m free!” Raye said, giggling. 
“How about we stop by my house first? My mom always has a great snack 
available,” Serena suggested. The other two agreed. As they entered, 
Serena’s brother, Sammy came running up to her. 
“Serena, why is there a big package with your name on it that came in 
the mail today?” he asked. 
“Um, I don’t know. I didn’t order anything, did I?” Serena asked 
herself. Mina and Raye urged her to go find it and open it. Taking off 
their shoes, they made a detour to the kitchen and each grabbed a few 
cookies from the plate of still-warm chocolate chip. Heading up to 
Serena’s room, a big box, plus a smaller one, were sitting on her bed. 
She found a letter, opened and read it. 
“I won!!!” Serena squealed. 
“Won what?” asked Mina and Raye together. 
“I won this contest I entered for beating Sammy’s Sailor Moon game! I 
didn’t know they were going to send a T.V./V.C.R. set too!” Serena 
hurriedly opened the big box. Inside sat a white T.V. with a V.C.R. at 
the bottom. A poster was along side of it, two actually. One was Sailor 
Moon, the Scouts, and Tuxedo Mask. The other was a Sailor V poster. 
Inside the smaller box was a game console, plus vouchers for free game 
cartridges at a store. 
“Hey! That store’s at the mall close by! We can go get those cartridges 
now!” cried Mina. Raye laughed her agreement. 
“Well, we could go right now, I suppose. Dinner isn’t for a few hours 
anyway, and we’ll still have time to set it up here. Good thing my room 
used to have cable.” Serena tucked the vouchers into her purse, and the 
three headed out, telling Serena’s mom where they would be. 
“Your room used to have cable?” asked Mina. “How come?” 
“Oh, the people who owned it before us had a den or a study or 
something in my room, and they left the cable for cable in the wall. Mom 
and Dad said that if I ever bought myself a T.V. I would be able to use 
it,” Serena explained. 
“Your parents promised you that?” Raye asked incredulously. “How come?” 
“They didn’t think that I would ever save enough money to buy one!” The 
three girls shared a laugh over that one. 
“Don’t you have to pay extra for a second cable T.V.?” asked Mina. 
“We don’t. Dad already paid for the three cables in the house.” 
“Three?” asked Raye. 
“Yeah. There’s one in the living room, one in the rec room, and one in 
my room.” Serena gave a little skip. “I can’t wait to tell my parents!” 
Upon arrival at the mall, the three girls immediately rushed to the 
electronic store. They split the vouchers up between the three of them, 
and went off to find the games. Serena went off in her own direction, 
and started searching for the titles. 
“May I help you, Miss?” asked a male voice behind her. 
“Um, yes, actually-” Serena stopped as she got a look at the man behind 
her. She gasped. The man had long, sandy-blond hair in a pony, and 
piercing green eyes, like emeralds. He was fairly tall, as well. 
“Are you okay, Miss?” he asked. She nodded, and handed him the 
vouchers. “Oh, I see you’re the contest winner. But, this is only a 
third of the vouchers. Where are the others?” he asked. 
“M-my friends have them. They’re in a different part of the store.” 
Serena looked at the vouchers. “How do you know about the contest? Are 
you a part of that?” 
“Actually yes. See, I own this company. My name is Zachary Icend 
(pronounced ice-end).” He held out his hand. 
“I’m Serena, Serena Crescent. (Right?)” She took his hand and they 
shook. “So, are you interested in computers and things like that?” 
“Yes, otherwise I doubt that I would’ve started this company.” Zach 
smiled at her. “Call me Zach, okay?” 
“Sure! So, Zach, can you help me find these games?” They both grinned, 
and then started down the aisles, grabbing the game cartridges. Half an 
hour later, the three girls and Zach met up in the front of the store. 
“Serena, who’s your friend? From what Amy and Lita said, you were taken 
by Darien,” said Mina. 
“Or was it the other way around?” asked Raye, grinning. 
“Guys!” Serena whined. “This is Zachary Icend. He owns this company.” 
“Hi. It’s nice to meet you.” Zach shook hands with each of the girls. 
“I’m Mina Hearting, and this is Raye Fires.” Mina smiled at Zach, but 
Raye frowned. 
“Something wrong, Raye?” asked Zach. 
“Huh? Oh, no. It’s just that you remind me of someone.” Raye looked 
“Well, I don’t really have a face that is easily duplicated, so who do 
I remind you of?” teased Zach. 
“That’s just it,” Raye said, moving her hands helplessly. “I don’t 
“Don’t worry too much, Zach,” Serena covered. “Raye’s a priestess. So, 
can we get the games?” 
“Uh, sure.” Zach headed to the register. 
“How old are you?” asked Mina. She had a strange look on her face. 
“Me?” Zach looked at her. “Well, I’m twenty, but I’ll be twenty-one in 
“Okay.” Mina smiled. She grabbed Serena’s arm and pulled her over to 
the side. “Hey, I think he’d be good for Amy!” Mina giggled. Serena 
blinked once, twice, three times. Then she got a worried look on her 
“Mina, promise me you won’t set the two of them up. Please.” Serena was 
very adament. “For one thing, Amy wouldn’t appreciate it at all. For 
another, you don’t know him or her very well. If anything, I’ll do it, 
since I know them more than you.” 
“C’mon Serena! Please?” Mina made a puppy dog face. 
“I’m sorry, Mina, but no.” Serena gave Mina a better puppy dog face. 
“Okay, you win.” The two girls headed back over to Raye and Zach. 
“So, Zach, do you live in this area?” they heard Raye ask. 
“Uh, yes, actually. I live in the Arctic apartment building complex.” 
Zach smiled as he put the games into bags. “I’ve met some nice people 
there. The woman in the top penthouse is a doctor and her daughter is 
very nice.” Serena almost choked on her joy. ‘Amy lives in the top 
penthouse of the Arctic complex! And her mom’s a doctor!’ 
“Here you go, Serena. You’ll get a voucher in the mail everytime we 
come out with a new game, okay?” 
“Okay. Great! Thanks again Zach!” The three girls grabbed the bags and 
were about to leave when a few screams were heard. Serena winced. 
“Raye, hold my bag!” she ordered. “You three stay here. I’m going to go 
check it out, okay?” Before any of them could protest, Serena had dashed 
“Where is that girl going?” asked Mina. She was about to head off, when 
a promise appeared in her head. “Protect Raye,” it said to her. “Stay 
here with her.” 
Meanwhile, our heroine, Serena, was making her way to the screams, a 
lot closer to the store than she had thought. 
“Moon Prism Power!” A flash of rainbow lights, and Sailor Moon took her 
place. Hurrying over to the monster, she set up her computer in a 
near-by potted plant. Unfortunately, Lycanthrosphere was there as well, 
watching over the mission. 
Not bothering with a speech for once, Sailor Moon jump-kicked the 
monsters head from behind. It roared, catching both her and 
Lycanthrosphere’s attention. 
“So, the little girl is back for more,” he teased. 
“Oh please! You know as well as I do that I am not a little girl. You 
of all people should know that,” Sailor Moon retorted. 
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” he shot back. 
“Ike, really. Do you think I’m that stupid? I know who you are, or 
were.” Sailor Moon glared. “And I don’t like the who that you are now.” 
“So? Who was I, oh Mighty Know-It-All?” 
“Prince Lycanthrosphere of the Orion Star, one of my best friends,” she 
replied quietly. Ike (I hate the full name. Too long!!!!) squinted at 
her, looked confused for awhile, then shook his head. 
“I am not Lycanthrosphere, whoever he is. I am Prince Garnet. I am of 
the highest order of the Negaverse’s Black Moon.” He bowed, well, sort 
of; he was floating, with a flourish that only a prince could carry off. 
“Negaverse’s Black Moon? What in the world is that?” 
“It doesn’t matter to you. Now, see if you can stop us this time!” With 
that he disappeared in a flash of deep red light. She sighed. Ike had 
always been stubborn, but that was just insane. 
“Time to rumble,” she muttered. Picking a pink rose out of nowhere, she 
quickly aimed at the right eye, hoping that it would help her. It did, 
in the sense that it couldn’t see. But, it also just made it angrier. 
Stumbling blinding about, Sailor Moon was afraid that it might step on a 
victim. What were they after anyway? she wondered. “Hey, Tough Guy! Over 
here!” she called. She raced over to her computer, taunting the monster 
all the time, getting it away from the victims. Looking quickly at it, 
she discovered it weakness was it its ability to hear. 
“What am I supposed to do?” she asked herself. Then she shrieked. The 
monster had gotten to her. But, it was now cowering in pain. “Oh! Okay, 
I think I remember how this works.” She took a deep breath, then started 
to wail like she used. Her little jewel things reacted and set off shock 
waves of sound at the monster. When it tumbled down, she knew that it 
was time to use her tiara. 
“Moon.... Tiara.... Magic!” she cried, sending it off. Thankfully, it 
was destroyed, and the victims started to wake up. Then, with out 
returning to Serena, she headed back to the electronics store. Mina was 
worriedly watching out the door, while Raye and Zach had entered a 
friendly game of cards: no else was in the store at the moment. 
“Mina, psst! Mina! Over here!” Sailor Moon whispered from outside. Mina 
saw her and hurried over. 
“What? Who are you?” Mina asked. 
“I’m Sailor Moon. Now listen, you have to remember your promise! 
Protect Raye, Amy, Lita, and Darien. Now, I’m not sure exactly what your 
promise was, but you have to add four people to your list. One, is the 
man in there playing cards with Raye. I believe his name is Zach. The 
other three, well, I don’t know their names. Yet. I’ll give you that 
information later. Unfortunately, you’ll only remember this on a 
subconscious level.” Sailor Moon snapped her fingers. In a flash of 
light, Mina was back at the door, blinking. 
Serena rounded the corner at top speed, pretending to be out of breath. 
“Mina! Raye! Guess what! There was this monster, and a girl called 
Sailor Moon stopped it!” she called. Mina blinked again, while Raye 
raised an eyebrow. 

Sorry for not using the full idea, Hespa! 

    Source: geocities.com/smtradingcardcollector/fanfic

               ( geocities.com/smtradingcardcollector)